Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Today we read our conclusions to one another to get feedback, we then reminded ourselves of our goals for editing and read over draft#2 of our papers and made changes to our grammar, spelling capitalization etc.... Homework is to be sure logs are complete with 150 minutes read recorded.  Also gather the text with annotations, persuasion map, RD # 1, Orange sheet or half sheets, and Rd # 2 so you cna turn them in with your final draft tomorrow.  Remember you will be given 36 minutes to write your final draft in class I will talk for 1 and you will fill out the "what did I change" form for 4 minutes so if this won't be enough time to write finish your final draft, start it tonight.


Conclusion mini lesson today wrote conclusions on draft 2 of paper will peer edit tomorrow.  Logs due on Wednesday!

12/14, 12/15,12/16

12/14--We continued working on RD #1
12/15--Peer edit day half sheets of paper given to everyone to determine what types of changes are made and reading logs turned in!
12/16--Mrs. Carlisto out sick, worked on final draft without conclusion today due by Monday

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Thanks for being great students yesterday for Ms. Rockhill! It made my day to be able to come in and read the sub's note and be reminded of what a great group of students you all are.
Today we prepared our reader's notebooks to turn in. If you were out, see me to do this.  We then received a handout about transitions and began working on rough drafts.  HW: complete rough draft and read and log and post it.


Today we read for the period and wrote about what we read on a worksheet that will be graded. If you were absent, be sure to pick one of these up.  We will write the rough drafts in class tomorrow. HW: read  and log time and keep post its.


We worked on reading a sample essay in class today noting how transitions are employed to give purpose to the examples we include.  I did check to be sure everyone had completed a map of his/her essay.
HW: read/log/post it--one more long write (should have total of 8 plus the one setting entry).

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Today we worked on outlining our paper using a map to clearly organize our information.  Outlines are due for tomorrow's class and another longwrite.

12/6, 12/7

We worked on discussing the story working on theme and rereading to gather evidence.  HW: on 12/6 was a long write, 12/7-be prepared to turn in reading log.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes, reviewed our annotations for the story "Harrsion Bergeron" and then proceeded to work in small groups to discuss themes of the story.  We then began to reread the story with the objective of gathering evidence to support our interpretation of the theme of the story.  HW: Read/log/post it and complete another longwrite.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


During 3rd period today, we spent much time discussing theme of the story "Harrison Bergeron".  Students did a fantastic job of peeling back layers of meaning.  We will bring discussion to a large group on Monday.  Homework remains the same as yesterday since all classes did not meet, Read/log post it and one more well developed long write.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today I collected reading logs, 20 postits and checked long writes.  If you were absent, be sure to hand these in.  We then finished Harrison Bergeron and our annotations, additionally when we finished the shrot story, we reacted to it quickly right on the text.  Period 8 did not quite finish the story so they have the additional assignment to finish the story and react to it.  All classes have the homework assignment of reading/logging and posting and completing another longwrite in reader's notebooks.


Today in class we read for 10 minutes, I checked the writer's notebook assignment from yesterday and then we used that entry to generate discussion in our groups about what it might mean to live in a totally equal society.  We then began to read and annotate the short story, "Harrison Bergeron".  HW: Be sure to have completed longwrites, postits and reading logs in class with  you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today we wrote in our Reflections on reading section in our notebooks.  The new entry was based on IR books and students were asked to identify the setting of their books.  They were then asked to support their assertions about setting with quotes or paraphrases from their books (including page #'s).  We then broke into discussion groups to fill out the discussion web centered around the question, "Are people equal?".  We then shared in a large group.
HW : In writer's notebook (create a new entry and date it)--Imagine what it would be like if everyone in the country were exactly the same and equal.  Reflect on this scenario, make at least 5 predictions about this completely equitable society.  Also, BY THURSDAY, 12/1 200 MINUTES OF READING LOGGED, MINIMUM OF 20 POST-ITS AND 3 LONG WRITES COMPLETED IN READER'S NOTEBOOK.  Post-its may be kept in book if you are still reading the book, otherwise, they need to be pulled out and placed in "My reflections on reading" section of your notebook.


Welcome back from break. today we organized the papers that were returned and digested the information contained on them.  We tallied up November minutes read and reflected in our notebooks looking for strengths and weaknesses to help us set goals for the month of December.  So far the students have read a grand total of 186 books since September and class period 3 leads the group with 75 read.  Nice job.
HW: BY THURSDAY 12/1 200 MINUTES OF READING LOGGED, MINIMUM OF 20 POST-ITS AND 3 LONG WRITES COMPLETED IN WRITER'S NOTEBOOK.  Post-its may be kept in book if you are still reading the book, otherwise, they need to be pulled out and placed in "My reflections on reading" section of your notebook.

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/21 and 11/22

Today we began by generating a list of errors we tend to make while we write. We then did a quick proofreading activity to illustrate how one has to shift the mind's eye to editing mode in order to catch errors.  Students were then given time to edit their own "final" drafts of their papers before they turned them into me along with their rough drafts and peer editing sheets.  HW:  Read/log/post-it/longwrite.  BY THURSDAY 12/1 200 MINUTES OF READING LOGGED, MINIMUM OF 20 POST-ITS AND 3 LONG WRITES COMPLETED IN WRITER'S NOTEBOOK.  Post-its may be kept in book if you are still reading the book, otherwise, they need to be pulled out and placed in "My refelctions on reading" section of your notebook.


Friday 11/18/11  Period 3,8,9

1)    Re-exchange papers if your partner did not complete the peer editing handout from yesterday. –Remember you MUST peer edit someone’s paper and you must have someone peer edit your paper (grades for both)

2)    Once you get your paper back, revise it.  This means make real changes in content, format and ideas presented.  It must be absolutely quiet while this process is going on so do NOT talk to a neighbor.  Focus on your own paper and respect others’ need to have quiet.

3)    Final draft, peer editing sheet (the one someone completed for your paper) and your rough draft will all be collected on MONDAY. 

4)    If you finish early, READ

HW:  Read/log/post-it, compete final draft (not to be typewritten)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Today we worked on peer editing rough drafts after we looked at a model of a paper and noticed what works.  Students filled out the following worksheet to help guide the peer editing. HW: read/log/post it.

I ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________ have done my best to provide constructive criticism for _____________________’s paper.

Introduction. The thesis statement clearly states an opinion and gives 3 reasons the author intended to explain to prove the opinion is correct.
What is the author’s thesis? _________________________________________________________________
What 3 points is the author going to make to prove the thesis is correct?
1.    ___________________________________________________________
2.    ___________________________________________________________
3.    __________________________________________________________

Topic Sentences. Each of the body paragraphs begins with a clear topic sentence that gives a different reason why the thesis is correct.
Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence restating a point from the thesis? (circle) Yes  |  No
Does each paragraph stick to the topic from the topic sentence? Yes  |  No

Rational Evidence. Each paragraph has evidence to back up the topic sentence. The evidence should be rational rather than emotional and should prove that the topic is correct by giving examples from the text, or quotes.

What evidence does the author give in each of the three body paragraphs?
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:

Conclusion: The conclusion effectively lets the reader know the essay is done.  This can be achieved by restating not copying the intro. The opinion should be clear and  the essay personalized with VOICE coming through.

How does the author conclude or let you know the essay is done?

Does the conclusion show growth or provide strong voice?

Please use the space below to provide some praise and some helpful hints:

Something specific that is done well:

Some specific areas that need some improvement (none is not a valid or acceptable response)


The following is what the students worked on today.  Rough drafts are due tomorrow.

Essay prompt for “The Cat and The Coffee Drinkers” by Max Steele

Final Question:
    Is Miss Effie an effective teacher? Is she the sort of teacher for whom you think parents should stand in line to assure their child gets into class?
I want you to write your answer in essay form. I want you to write an introduction with a  clear opinion, a body with more than one paragraph and a conclusion.   Your essay will be turned in and graded as a major grade.

  • Use the text to check your facts
  • Keep in mind the counter-arguments as you support your opinion
  • Use TRANSITIONS (find your sheet or get a new one)
  • 3 is the magic number!—A minimum of three details should be given to support your opinion then each of those details should be supported with three additional details
  For example:
Eighth grade is the best grade (opinion)
 It is great because the teachers rock, the classes are exciting and we have power.  (General reasons)
(1st general detail) Teachers Rockà (specific details to support the first of three details) Mr. Clark has clear expectations like his battle board assignment and he also models what he expects so it is very clear what I should be doing all the time.  Additionally Mr. Wissler is very knowledgeable about his subject and makes me see how science is part of my every day experience and that it is valuable. An example of this is….. And finally Mrs. Mariano moves at the pace I need her to in math class which reassures me that I ill understand math well by the time I leave grade 8.  AN example of this is…..

Be sure to clearly and thoroughly support your opinion

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes. We then discussed the writing process for persuasion.  We discussed the pre writing activities that are essential: We persuasive people tend to know the facts, understand the emotional hotspots and understand that their arguments need to be prioritized.  We did not get to writing the rough draft yet so if you missed for chorus know that we will pen the rough draft in class tomorrow it is not homework tonight.  Tonight: read/log and post its are due.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Sorry for the late post. Today students had opportunity to discuss their opinions about Ms. Effie Barr and her teaching methods.  This was in preparation for writing an opinion piece that will require many details to  support opinions.  It was also to make students realize that texts can be taken different ways depending on the lens through which one is looking.  HW: Read for at least 20 minutes keep post its (minimum of 4) and log your time!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today I collected Reading Logs and handed out new blank ones for the week of 11/10--11/17.  We then finished up the story and took time to organize our thoughts on whether Ms. Effie Barr's methods of teaching are appropriate and then met with our groups to strengthen our arguments and clarify our thoughts.  HW: Read/log/post-it.  Enjoy the weekend and appreciate our veterans!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today we logged 10 more minutes reading time in class.  So far the 8th graders have read 136 books!  Keep it up.  We then did a closer reading of "The Cat and the Coffee Drinkers" in order to gather evidence about Ms. Effie Barr as a teacher to help inform our opinion of whether we would recommend her as a teacher for a younger sibling of ours.  HW: READING LOGS ARE DUE TOMORROW and I forgot to collect READER'S NOTEBOOKS so be sure those  are with you tomorrow if you are in period 8 or 9--they will be collected.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/7 and 11/8

We read for 10 minutes then watched a quick clip of a successful group discussion. We then set up our writer's notebooks with a T chart to record evidence of Mrs. Effie Barr's teaching to help form an opinion about whether she is a good teacher or not.  If you were absent, see me for the handout. HW: read/log/post-it and remember logs are due Thursday and I will collect Reader's notebooks tomorrow.

Today we read for 10 minutes then reviewed discussion groundrules and then broke into discussion groups to share questions we had as we read the story for the first time.  We wrapped up class sharing lingering questions so we could be prepared to read 'The Cat and the Coffee Drinkers" for the second time.  HW: Read/Log/Post-it and LONGWRITE.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes. Reading logs for the week of 10/27--11/3 were collected and new logs handed out.  We then nearly finished "The Cat and the Coffee Drinkers" by Max Steele.  Again, we flagged questions and comments in our Writer's notebooks.  Tomorrow we will begin to discuss our comments in preparation for a second close read of the story.  HW:READ/LOG/POST-IT


Today we read for 10 minutes and logged that time remembering to keep post-its as we read.  We then listened to "The Cat and the Coffee Drinkers" by Max Steele.  As the story was read-we wrote in our Writer's notebooks any questions we had or reactions we had.  We also stopped periodically to describe Ms. Effie and to consider her relationship with her cat.  HW: Read/log/post it.  LOGS DUE TOMORROW

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today we spent ten minutes reading in IR books.  Students were reminded to be sure to have post its out WHILE they read so they are more tempted to take a minute to interact with the text which is part of their assignment every week. We then took out writer's notebooks and wrote about what we thought every student should learn in kindergarten and about what it feels like to be a kid and be treated like an adult by an adult.  We took time to discuss these ideas and to talk about how we are switching gears now to "writer's workshop" model and how that  will look daily.  We then moved on to background information on Max Steele-the author of "The Cat and the Coffee Drinkers".  HW: Read/Log/Post it and one more LONGWRITE.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!  We wrote quick stories in our writer's notebook today.  Lots of great imagery.  Have fun tonight and don't forget to keep reading and logging.  Logs are due on Thursday.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today we shared last night's longwrites and listened to critiques of them so everyone is clear on what is expected--jump into the idea and then think out loud about why you had the idea!  We then Discussed the idea that readers read differently.  Some read with a tendency to predict, others tend to think about why their characters are behaving the way they are, others predict how the story will unfold, others ask questions and still others focus on author's craft.  We then examined our own post-its and categorized them into 8 categories: wondering;questions;predicting;character behavior;connections;envisioning and other.  After looking at our own trends we reflected on our reading lives in "All about me as a reader".  We first wrote what we noticed about our post its, then indicated a goal we have set for November's reading and post its.  HW is to finish the RN entry in "all about me as a reader" if not completed in class and also to write ANOTHER LONGWRITE in reflections on reading while we are reading and logging.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today we completed an overview of minutes read in the months of October and September.  We also reflected in our "all about me as a reader" sections about what we noticed about our reading habits over September and October.  Also we turned in Nightjohn books. And handed in the final draft of our Nightjohn papers and this week's reading logs.  HW for tonight is to log and write one more longwrite. The longwrite should be based on your IR book and any one of your reactions or post its you created as you read.

All about me as a reader should include:
Things I noticed--where read more, when read more etc..
Ideas about why
Goal for the month of November

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/25 and 10/26

Ugh my computer at school crashed and I totally forgot to update this last night!  Tuesday in class we looked over the entry in our reader's notebooks to remind ourselves of how we are changed a little from reading Nightjohn.  We then wrote a rough draft of  a paper wherein we try to articulate this shift and why we made it.  Please see the handout for further direction.  HW: finish Rd and continue logging time-150 min tomorrow.

Today we self edited and peer edited our Nightjohn papers to be sure we had all the elements necessary.  HW for tonight is to finish the final draft, and to be sure we have logged 150 minutes on this week's log.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well school was let out early today so the writing piece we were going to work on in class is delayed.  In order to be sure you are ready for it, make sure you have completed Wednesday's homework assignment that asks you to reflect on the book.  Keep reading in those IR books.  150 minutes due on Thursday and don't forget I will be collecting Reader's notebooks this week!


Today we finished up Nightjohn as we read it aloud with a partner in class.  As a team we stopped at page 89 and answered the question, "How does this scene relate to Mammy's worries about Sarny learning ot read in chp 4?"

At the end of chapter 6 we paused to discuss the chapter and any images that are lasting and to predict.

After reading the last chapter we discussed why it was entitled "Words".  We discussed not only the meaning of the title but also why Paulsen chose to entitle this chapter and none of the others.

HW was to continue reading in IR books toward the goal of 150 minutes by next Thursday and also to write a long write in your writers notebooks ANSWERING THE QUESTION--HOW DID READING THE BOOK NIGHTJOHN AFFECT YOU?  HOW ARE YOU CHANGED AS A RESULT OF READING THIS BOOK?  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes in our IR books.  We then finished chapter 5 of Nightjohn and discussed it at length.  HW for tonight is to finish up any reading minutes you have left and to log your time and write post its.  Also I am asking for one longwrite based on your IR book.  This longwrite should focus on how your experiences let you "step into the shoes" of you character.  For  example, if I chose to write about the time Sarny learned the word bag I would write the following:
I was able to step into Sarny's shoes when she was so proud of herself for learning to read the word bag.  The reason I was able to understand a little bit of how she was feeling was that I could remember a time when I was as proud of myself.  When I first learned to ride my bike, that is all I wanted to do just like when Sarny wrote the word everywhere, I rode my bike everywhere.  When I first learned to ride my bike, I got so caught up in riding that I didn't even notice it was dinner time.  This sort of happened to Sarny because she got so caught up in writing her word, she did not notice Waller come up behind her.  Even though I do not know what it was like to be a slave, I can understand sometimes a little bit of how Sarny is feeling.

Monday, October 17, 2011


In reader's notebooks today students wrote a new entry wherein they described Nightjohn's personality so far and told why or how they knew that to be true.  We then talked about strategies readers use to grow ideas about characters beyond making movies in our minds.  We also draw on our own experiences to help us "step in the shoes" of our characters to help us feel, think or experience what they are feeling.We then read to page 70 in Nightjohn and stopped periodically to step in the shoes of Mammy, Sarny and John.  HW is to read, post it and log.  Also Tomorrow is last day for permission slips

Friday, October 14, 2011


We worked on our What we have Read board today and read independently and everyone received feedback on his/her long writes so now everyone is well prepared to do this weekend's homework--One more long write and read and post it.  Logs are due on Wednesday and Permission slips are due on Monday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Today we took about 30 minutes to read in independent reading books while I conferenced with students about their long writes. My goal is to provide feedback for long writes before I assign more and hold kids accountable for something they are quite clear on.  Also, research says large chunks of time reading books that are "just right" help improve student's reading levels!  HW tonight is to make sure you have completed 3 long writes to date (2 about IR books and 1 about Night john ch 4) and to rea dand log.  Also do not forget permission slips!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Today I passed out Scholastic flyers and we talked books for a few minutes.  I then handedout permission slips for our field trip to Middlebury College.  We will travel by bus on Thursday, 10/20 to see the campus and talk about academics with current students at the school.  We will also dine at the college.  Pleasesign the form by Monday 11/17.  We then talked about the art of visualizing a bit more and read the rest of ch 4 of Nightjohn.  We completed a long write in the Reflections on Reading section of the Readers notebook and the assignmnet for tonight is to read/log/postit and complete one more long write about your IR book. IF you were absent be sure to show me last night's HW as I graded it.  Reading logs are due tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Welcome back from the long weekend!  Today we predicted and then talked briefly about visualizing as we read we then read form chapter 4 out loud.  Nice job with discussion today.  Keep it up. We also took 10 minutes to read in class as well.  HW is to read/log/post it and complete one long write about an image your author was able to create.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Today I checked your updated "To Read List" to be sure everyone is ready to read an historical fiction book next.  We then split into partnerships and finished reading chapter three and completed a worksheet based on the chapter. The worksheet asked students to recall four images from the book so far, ten find those images and tell how the author made them memorable and then to tell why the author may have included the image/part.  Period 9 has to finish the worksheet for homework and read for 20 minutes and log your time.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Lucy Mitchell came into class today to invite students to join her poetry club that will meet in the library on Tuesdays during period 10. It sounds like a great opportunity  for students to explore, share and write poetry.  Additionally, students turned in their weekly reading logs and got new ones, we set up an in class folder to house the completed reading logs and then partner read chapter 3 of Nightjohn.  HW for tonight is to read/log and create post its as you read.  Remember post its are a place to make your reading/thinking visible.  DO not use them to summarize, instead react, ask questions, predict, respond and write your thoughts about character, setting and theme on them.


First we did one more long write based on the last post it written in our IR books. IF you were absent, please make this up.  We looked at Story snoops today(see the link--love this link to the right) and also did a quick book trailer on Elijah of Buxton.  HW is to read, log and create post its as you read.  Also remember, I will collect reading logs tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today I reminded students who  have not yet turned in their final drafts of the Lewis and Clark paper to do so.  We then talked about the post it process and heard several very good post its.  We then took one post it from last night's reading and "wrote long" about that post it in the Reflections on reading section in the reader's notebook. To write long means simply to explain your reaction or your prediction or your interpretation.  I then modeled in a read aloud how to use post its to "research" our reading.  HW:  Read and log and create post-its also, find a new title to read and add that title to your "To Read" section in your Reader's notebook.  Your next book must be historical fiction and about slavery or the Civil War. Use the resources on this blog to help you.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Today we watched the Nightjohn booktrailer in order to begin the book we will mostly be reading in class today.  The mini lesson today was about how to track our theories about reading by using post it notes as we read.  HW for tonight is to read your twenty minutes and write post its as you read.

NY TImes

I've observed how powerful it can be when students choose their own books. Sunday's New York Times had an article on "reading workshop" which is an instructional model that I've been incorporating in ELA 8 classes over the last year.

Friday, September 30, 2011


We completed a Noodletools citation for our paper and shared it today.  We also saved the final paper to Mrs. Carlisto's dropbox.  HW for tonight is to read and log your time.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today I collected reading logs and passed back papers and then we edited and revised our papers and saved them on the server.  Tomorrow we will use Noodletools to create citations.  HW: Finish revisions and read and log your time reading.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


We worked on finishing the first draft of the research paper in class today.  Some students have a bit of work left and should do this on their own.  Students saved their work on the server and we will continue working with the draft on Thursday.  Tomorrow I will be at a conference and students will be reading in their IR books for 30 minutes and writing for 10 minutes.  Be sure to bring your books to class.  Don't forget your reading logs are due on Thursday!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Today in class we finished up a concluding sentence for our intro.  We then reiterated the steps in writing a solid paragraph which include looking over notes, deciding which information is most important to prove our point, working to transition into new ideas and finally putting pencil to paper (or fingers on keyboard) and writing a draft of the paper.  Students then paired up and worked on writing solid paragraphs for the Mandan and Shoshone Indians.  HW is to complete the paragraphs if not completed in class and to read and log 20 minutes in IR books.

Friday, September 23, 2011


We modeled how to write an introduction today and we wrote the first body paragraph as a class as well. We will continue the rest of the paper in class on Monday. Your homework for over the weekend is to read and log at least 20 minutes in your IR books.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Great job annotating last night!  I think you are really understanding it.  We took notes in class today and then you received the last of the resources and had the assignment of reading, annotating and taking notes on "Crossing the Rockies."  I also collected reading logs today and gave you new ones.  Your homework is to read and log your time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We spent time today working collaboratively with partners to read , annotate and note-take a source provided on the Shoshoni Indian tribe.  HW for tonight is to read and annotate the Missouri resource (9 paragraphs) and to be sure to have your completed log in class tomorrow (150 min. IR reading).  I will collect the logs and distribute new ones.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today we transferred the relevant annotations to our note sheet keeping in mind at all times our goal for the paper.  We further discussed the advantages of annotation and note taking.  We then read together a reference source on the Mandan Indians and annotated/ and took notes.  This model will be followed in tomorrow's class where students will work on groups.  HW is to read and log time. THursday I will collect reading logs and assess for completeness and volume.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday 9/19

We kicked off our first Clarklisto project today.  We will be writing a research paper about Lewis and Clark.  One of the most important pieces of writing a research paper is READING.  Reading is, of course, more than just reading words; it is making sense of the words and being able to pull out key ideas and make them our own.  In order to force your hands at this, I am insisting you annotate as modeled in class and finish the packet from the text book.  This will help you take notes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday 9/13/11

We reflected on our reading experiences and generated a list of ideas for making our reading experience the best it can be. We then set up our readers notebooks with five tabs.  If you did not have your notebook with you, be sure to see me to set it up and be sure to bring it to class tomorrow.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Just right books

Just like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, students will soon be reading books that are "just right." Reading researchers like Richard Allington believe that the key to improving literacy is getting students to read lots of just right books.

We'll talk this week about what makes a book "just right." I shared a tool called BOOKMATCH in class today.

Reading Life

Today we met in the library with our independent reading books and discussed "Just Right books".  It is important for us to reflect on our reading and identify what makes a book just right for us.  Please be sure to read for the full 20 minutes tonight and be prepared to tell us why your book is just right.  Also be sure to bring your assignment that was due today to class as we will be using it to generate a list of procedures that make reading the best it can be for ourselves.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Welcome parents and students! It's the beginning of my second year keeping this blog. I hope you'll find it useful.
This year, the curriculum in our class will be informed by the Common Core State State Standards. What that means is that we'll be focusing on (among other things) close reading of texts, writing about texts, research projects, and narrative writing.
Also, independent reading will be a major focus for us. Often times, the homework for ELA class will require the student to read his/her independent book and to log that time.
Be sure to check back often, as I try to keep the blog updated.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking for a new book?

Kate Messner is a middle school teacher at Stafford Middle School inPlattsburgh. She's also a National Board Certified Teacher and the author of YA books like The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z and Sugar and Ice. Her book blog is a great source of ideas when you're wondering what to read next; she makes great recommendations for YA readers. Check it out!

Picture the Dead

Yes, I know that's a disconcerting title for a blog post. It's also the title of a book that I just finished by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown.
This ghost story, set during the Civil War, has a little something for everyone. My husband recommended it knowing that I often like to read historical fiction, and that I will be asking my students to read this genre right off this year. It appealed to my taste for historical fiction, but I know that those that like their books on the spooky side will like it as well. Also, there's a love story (but don't worry, it doesn't dominate the story!)
The title, Picture the Dead, refers to the practice of "spiritualist photography."

Where has the summer gone?

I am looking forward to the new school year and can't wait to share what I have been reading with you.  My hope is to not only post what is going on in the classroom here but also to use this space to talk about my favorite past time--reading!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Upcoming Clarklisto project

Mr. Clark and I will again join classes to have the students complete an i-movie based on research they complete.  please click on the link below for resources

Tuesday 5/3

ELA Exam given today.  Students did a nice job taking their time and working hard on the very lengthy test.  Testing again tomorrow morning so a good breakfast is suggested again.  Tomorrow is book two which includes the listening portion, connected passages and multiple choice questions that are grammar based.  Students will be in the testing site for 90 minutes.  Get a good night's rest and come in ready to write!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday 4/7/11

Period 1: We broke into groups today and discussed the sections read in depth.  We then discussed how events from the last few days of reading cold be used to support the essay questions form the beginning of the novel.  HW: Finish the book; passages and notes

Period 2,7,8: Power point review of expectations for persuasive essay today then rough drafts posted on blog.  Comments made by students on each other's essays.  Comments need to include one specific area of strength and two ideas to help revise.  NO BLANKET STATEMENTS ie.. this is good...be specific!  Tomorrow's class is devoted to using the comments to help revise the essay.  A final draft is to be saved on the server and printed out by the end of class tomorrow.
Reminder CORNELL NOTES DUE Wednesday 4/27 and a reading log that reflects 90 minutes of reading and a parent signature.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday 4/6/11

Period 1: We took a quiz on the reading selection.  We then discussed at length Bradbury's use of language to build suspense.  Homework for tonight is to read to page 222 and find a passage from each section.

Period 2: Today we took 20 more minutes to finish the test started yesterday then spent the remainder of the time finishing rough drafts of our persuasive essays.  HW is read/log/Cornell notes

10 Cornell notes due Wednesday 4/27

Tuesday 4/5

All Periods today we took a practice Book 2 ELA exam.  This portion of the exam includes a listening selection that is followed up with 3-5 multiple choice questions based on the selection and 3 short answer questions.  It also includes a "writing section" that contains 3-5 grammar-type multiple choice questions. In addition students answer 4 short answer questions and one extended response question based on two short passages in this part of the test.  Students will be given 90 minutes on day 2 (MAY 4) of the ELA exam to complete this section.

HW Period 1 is to read to page 204, three sections, three passages.

HW period 2,7,8: read/log/Cornell notes.  Logs due tomorrow 130 minutes and parent signature expected.  10 Cornell Notes and  completed IR book due on Wednesday, April 27.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday 4/4

Period 1: Please finish reading to page 179.  Pay attention to how Bradbury builds suspense in this section. Your passage that you choose should be one that builds suspense and the explanation should deal with how it builds suspense.

Period 2,7,8: In class today we read and I checked Cornell notes once again then we began typing rough drafts of our persuasive essays.  HW: Read and Cornell notes.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday 4/1

Period 1: We discussed the symbolism of the window then read the next section about Helen Loomis and made connections between it and Heidegger and Freeleigh as well.  HW is to finish to page 154.  We read to 147 in class.  One significant passage should be noted and notes taken on plot as well.

Period 2,7,8: We read 10 minutes in class today.  I checked Cornell Notes and reading logs. Some students are right on track and completing reading outside of class while others are way behind.  HW for over the weekend is to catch up.  On Monday I will check to see that everyone has a minimum of 4 Cornell notes complete and 45 minutes of reading outside of class logged.  We are reading ten minutes a day in class so students have logged 30 minutes already.  I am expecting a minimum of 45 additional minutes to be logged (this is 1/2 of the 90 minutes that are due on Wednesday).  Additionally the planning worksheet that was mostly completed in class on Thursday must be complete as well.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

THursday 3/31

Period 1: We broke into groups to discuss magic, Brown and Goodwater.  We then read.  Homework is to read to page 238 and find a significant passage, explain its significance AND consider symbolism of the window.

Period 2,7,8: We read for ten minutes, logged our time and then moved into planning a persuasive essay.  HW: be sure planning page is complete.  READ IR BOOKS, LOG complete CORNELL NOTES.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Period 1: We read the section about the green machine today and began the section on the trolley.  We discussed a bit of what Bradbury's message about technology (machines) might be.  Tonight's homework is to read to page 112, mark a significant passage, write down vocab, consider the ideas represented in the story of John Huff.

Period 2, 7, 8:  We read for ten minutes, discussed narrative and non-narrative structure and wrote a snippet of each in our writer's notebooks.  HW:Read,  log, Cornell notes. Reading logs are due tomorrow--90 minutes outside of class and an additional 30-40 minutes in class are expected to be logged.  Parent signature is required and Cornell notes should be at least started--3-4 should be done by Friday when they will be checked in class.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday 3/28

Period 1:  We discussed the time machine today and Mrs. Bentley's predicament as well.  Your homework tonight is to look over your list of memories you would stopper up and save and choose one to tell.  On a sheet of paper write what will be a draft of this one memory.

Period 2,7,8:  We read for ten minutes in class.  Some of you have finished your book while others of you are no further than page 14.  Remember.  90 minutes outside of class needs to be completed by Wednesday which means those of you who have not read much need to devote quite a bit of time tonight and tomorrow night to reading your books.  In class we also wrote in writers notebooks about the possibility of year round school.  We worked on stating our opinion and our ideas for that opinion.  We then read an essay written against year round schools and will discuss tomorrow the elements that make it a persuasive piece.  for HW students need to be sure they have recorded notes on the essay about what makes it good and they also have to in their own writer's notebooks, list issues about which they have a strong , supportable opinion.  Ideas to consider might be:

1) Who is the best singer/writer/dancer/performer/athlete?
2) What is the best sport for losing weight?
3) What is the best cartoon on television?
4) Which is better, chocolate or vanilla?
5) What is the best kind of music?
6) Who is the greatest person to have ever lived?
7) Which kind of animal makes the best pet?
8) Which is more beautiful, sunrise or sunset?
9) Which is more important, the ability to speak well or write well?
10) Is it better to be an only child or to have brothers and/or sisters?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 3/22

Period 1: We shared significant passages and discussed last night's reading.  HW: Create a list of memories you'd like to stopper up and save. (worksheet)

Period 2,7,8: Extensive review for test tomorrow  HW: review for Call of the Wild test and bring in new IR book.

Monday 3/21

Period 1: REad to page 32, take notes and mark significant passages.

Period 2,7,8:
We reviewed for the test and your homework is to continue your review and to find a new IR book for Wednesday.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday 3/18

Period 1:  We read the next section of Dandelion Wine and talked about how Douglas realizes he is alive.  This will be developed as a theme of the book.  HW: Be sure to have a new IR book by Wednesday 3/23

Period 2: We finished the novel together, discussed the Legend of the Ghost Dog and the symbolism of the traces.

Monday will be a book review session for periods 2,7  and 8.  Tuesday will be the final test on Call of the Wild.

New IR book  in class by Wednesday 3/23

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday 3/16/11

Period 1: We discussed the intro and the many allusions made in the poem along with the metaphor of wine and how it works in the book.  I also handed out reading guides for the book.  We then read the first section of the book where Douglas wakes up the sleeping town on the first day of summer.  No HW tonight.

Period 2,7,8: We read much of the end of chapter 7 discussing along the way each event and why London includes the event. HW is to complete the novel for Friday and to take notes especially about the Legend of the Ghost Dog.  Please have a new Ir book in class on Wednesday.  We will take the final test on COTW on Tuesday of next week.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday 3/15

Period 1:  We discussed the poem today at length.  Please read the forward of Dandelion Wine for Hw.

Period 2,7,8:   I collected Cornell notes today. We discussed the worksheet  you did for hw then read a bit more of the book.  We also discussed the symbolism of Buck's traces.  No HW

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday 3/11

Today in class we wrote a book review of our book then went over a self editing checklist for Cornell notes.  Cornell notes need to be well developed as has been modeled in class.  Reactions should be explained clearly with a minimum of three sentences for each of the 10 entries.  Additionally students should take  care to read through for editing errors indicated on the checklist.  Final drafts will be collected on Monday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday 3/8 and Wednesday and Thursday

Period 1: HW: review for Thursday's test.
Period 2,7,8: Finish ch 6 and take notes on the ways Buck proves his love for Thornton.  Grade printout sheets due also.


Wednesday: We reviewed first period.
2,7,8: We discussed the end of chapter six and took a quick reading quiz.  HW: read and log

Thursday: Period 1--test COTW
Period 2,7,8:  Discussion of symbols in ch 6 and author's purpose of including events.

Thursday/Friday 3/3-4

Thursday: Per.1 :We took a quiz today in class on the first 6 chapters.  We read in ch 7 and your homework is to read the rest of ch. 7 noting Buck's "kills" in the wild and also noting how he has mastered his new environment by Monday.

Per. 2 We took a quiz on ch 1--5 in class today and then read some of ch 6.  your hw is to read in your IR books.

Friday: we will watch At The Scene Productions!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday 3/2/11

Period 1: We reviewed chapters 1-6 in class today in order to jump back into reading The Call of the Wild.  There will be a quiz tomorrow.  HW: Read in IR books and log and Cornell Notes.

Period 2, 7, 8:  Quiz today on chapters 1-5 as promised.  We then discussed answers and are ready to continue reading from ch 5 on.  Those students who missed due to chorus and skiing need to be sure to make up the quiz upon their return.  HW: Read 30 minutes in IR books and Cornell Notes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

I hope you enjoyed the extra day off yesterday--maybe you caught up on some reading? Here are some important dates to keep in mind for the current IR book:
Friday 3/4--Reading Log # 2 will be collected (90 min and a parent signature required)
Friday 3/11--Reading Log # 3, book completed  and ten Cornell notes due in class
Monday 3/14--Final Cornell notes handed in--this means you need to revise and edit the ten you brought to class on Friday.

Period 1:Today was a bit of a catch up day as papers were returned and a refresher on the fine art of writing Cornell notes was given.  We then spent time reviewing the Call of the Wild and will complete the book in class tomorrow.  Final test for the book will be on Monday of next week.  HW: Review notes for chapters 1--6 Call of the Wild

Period 2,7,8:  Today was a bit of a catch up day as papers were returned and a refresher on the fine art of writing Cornell notes was given. HW: Review notes on chapters 1--5 Call of the Wild--quiz tomorrow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday 2/24

We recorded many projects today.  Nice work.
HOMEWORK:  1)Bring Reading logs to class tomorrow I will collect them and
                           2)Print out your ENGLISH GRADE and bring it with you to class.
                           3)Bring your IR books to class tomorrow too.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday 2/18

Lots of work revising today.  Recording will commence on Thursday.  The first reading logs are due next Friday for this new IR book.  Students should record 90 minutes of reading before next Friday when I will collect the logs.  Be sure to bring your books into class on Thursday and to run thorugh yor scripts so you are ready to record.

Thursday 2/17

In class today we went to the class blog and peer edited each other's work in an effort to make the final drafts better.  Hopefully students will take heed of comments and revise to make their stories muchmore "newsy"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday 2/16

Today was spent working on Rough drafts and finding images.  By tomorrow each group needs to:
-have a script that is either saved on the server in their own folder or on a flashdrive (that is with them)
-have the script pasted into the blog
-have chosen an image and saved it in the Clarklisto folder
-have research packets with them in class

Blog entry directions:
1.  Go to Ms. Carlisto's web page
2.  Click on blue class blog link
3.  Sign in
4. Click on plus sign and create title--should be your names
5. Go to tag--tag as block a scene or block b scene
6. Paste your script into the large box for typing in the blog
7. save

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday 2/15

In class we worked on more research and many began drafting their scripts.  A handout was provided to show how to format the scripts. Rough drafts are due at the second half of the block tomorrow.  We will peer edit tomorrow on the blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday 2/14

Happy Valentine's Day

We kicked off the Clarklisto's At the Scene.  Much of today was spent giving details of the project and showing examples.  The second half of the block was used ot begin reserach and fill out worksheet #1.

IR books will be checked in class on Thursday be sre you have them.  We will complete 10 Cornwll notes this time through.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday 2/9/11

Period 1: We answered questions on the blog today for a bit of a "silent discussion" of ch 6.  No homework tonight except be sure to be prepared for outdoor activities tomorrow.   IR BOOKS EXPECTED  IN CLASS ON MONDAY.

Period 2,7,8:
We also used the class blog today for a bit of a "silent discussion" and we also finished up chapter 5.  No homework tonight except be sure to be prepared for outdoor activities tomorrow.   IR BOOKS EXPECTED  IN CLASS ON MONDAY.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 2/8/11

Period 1: We discussed all the ways Buck shows his love for John Thornton but also the fact that he was "a thing of the wild come in from the wild." HW: Finish reading the chapter for understanding and take notes on the final exploit that shows how much Buck loves Thornton.

Period 2, 7, 8: We discussed chapter five and in particular the personalities of Hal, Mercedes and Charles.  HW for tonight is to read to page 65 the paragraph that begins with, "It was beautiful spring weather..."


Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday 2/7/11

Period 1: We spent time in class investigating chapter 5 and began chapter 6. Your homework is to read to the paragraph that begins with "That winter, at Dawson..." and to take notes.

Period 2,7,8: We spent time discussing chapter four and the symbol of the caveman and Dave's incident.  Your homework is to read chapter 5 to the paragraph that begins with "Late next morning Buck..."  Your notes should focus on the new owners both why there are new owners and what these new owners are like.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday 2/3/11

Period 1: Overall you all did quite well on the quiz on last night's reading.  Your homework is to finish  chapter 5 and to take notes on it so we can discuss it tomorrow.

Period 2, 7,8:  After the quiz today, we read the beginning portion of  chapter 4 your assignment is to read to the paragraph that begins with "But it was Dave who suffered most...." You need to read the section until you are able to describe the new owner and tell what Buck dreams about (he does not dream about his new owner).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday 2/2

Happy Ground Hog Day and Snow Day!  Be sure to complete your hw after you play outside.

Tuesday 2/1

Period 1:  HW: Read chapter 5 to page 59 "Late next morning.."  Take notes.

Period 2,7,8: Study your notes on chapter 3 and if you didn't read it--do it now there will be quiz tomorrow.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday 1/31

Period 1:
We finished up chapter 4 and in small groups discussed the symbolism of Buck's dreams and the irony contained in the last line of the chapter. Additionally five words need to be defined they are: celerity, resiliency, obdurate, aspire and flounder.

Period 2,7,8:
I collected Cornell notes today and reading logs. We then continued our reading of chapter 3 in small groups and I distributed some guided reading questions to help guide your understanding of the chapter.  HW is to finish the chapter and the worksheet.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday 1/28


Periods 7,8: Don't forget your grade printout and your pictures of the scene that begins chapter 3.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday 1/27

Period 1:  We discussed the end of ch 3 today and began ch 4.  HW is to read the first 5 pages of the chapter--stop at the paragraph that starts with,"Best of all perhaps..."  Be sure to take notes as you read.

Period 2,7,8: We finished our discussion of chapter 2 and began chapter three today. Your job tonight is to read the first four pages of the chapter--stop at "The courier shook his head dubiously."  Also you must draw a picture of the action described in those four pages. This picture should be the whole page and include all the action.  Additionally I have asked you to print out your English grade for class as well.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Period 1: We spent time discussing the guided questions for chapter 3 and looking at the language Jack London employs to manipulate his readers.  HW: Read/log/Cornell

PEriod 2,7,8: We spent time discussing chapter 2 in small groups and then in large groups. Several students had not completed the reading and need to make sure they do the make up reading. HW: Read/log/Cornell


Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday 1/21/11

Period 1: Nice job with class discussion today.  Keep going with the Cornell notes--be sure you have connected to your research.  I will collect reading logs on Monday.

Period 2: Remember my words of advice regarding Cornell notes--you have to connect your notes to your research findings.  Any event in the story you are reading that illustrates or contradicts what you have found in your research should be noted and then the connection to the research explained in the "reaction" side.  HW is to keep reading and logging and to read from the paragraph in chapter 2 that begins with "By evening Perrault secured another dog,... to the paragraph a few pages further that begins "Day after day with days ending....." and TAKE NOTES as you read!  Focus your notes on what Buck learns and new characters. Period 7 and 8 need to read to the same spot  "Day after day with days ending..." TAKE NOTES

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday 1/20

Period 1: We read for ten minutes then continued reading chapter 2.  HW: read IR books and finish chapter 2.  Don't forget to take notes.

Period 2, 8: We read for ten minutes then continued reading chapter 2.  HW: read IR books

Period 7:We read for ten minutes then continued reading chapter 2.  HW: Read to "T'ree vair good dogs...." take notes and read in IR books.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday 1/19/11

Period 1: We discussed the end of ch1 and made sense of he tile of the chapter.  We began ch 2 and looked at the symbolism so far in the chapter.  HW: READ IR

Period 2,7,8: We read until almost the end of chapter taking notes as we read.  HW: Finish the chapter and notes and read your IR books

Click on link above  if you forgot your book at home--the whole chapter can be found online!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday 1/18/11

Period 1:  After reading in Ir books we read Call of the Wild. As we are reading we are looking at how Jack London is manipulating us with his writing.  How is he making us believe this dog?  HW: Finish ch 1 and read IR and log/Cornell notes

PEriod 2,7,8: After reading in our IR books we read Call of the Wild examining the language and vocabulary as we go.  HW: Read IR books/ log and Cornell notes, too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday 1/13/11

We took another 10 minutes in class to read IR books. Students are logging this time.  Students who fail to bring in their IR books are losing out on this important time to read but not all is lost as they are doing test prep.  Students need to be sure to be reading at home as well.  The expectation is that they will be reading their independent reading book for no less than 90 minutes per week and logging this time.  Please help remind them of this responsibility.

Period 1: Background Jack London and influences on his writing.  Also a discussion of the opening quote of the book that suggests characteristics that have seemingly disappeared can, if given the right circumstances, reappear.  HW: read IR and log/ Cornell notes

Period 2,7,8:
We began reading The Call of the Wild and since it was the exposition of the book, we were introduced to the main character and the setting of the book. HW: read IR and log and Cornell notes.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday 1/10/11

Period 1: Great job choosing IR books.  Be sure to bring them with you daily as you will be given some in class time to read them.  Also bring in "To Build a Fire" annotations tomorrow as we just barely got started today.  HW:Read and log your IR books

Period 2,7,8:  We did some pre-reading writing for your  IR books today and then spent some time discussing Cornell notes and then got to read for a full 15 minutes.  We then started to discuss Jack London as an author.  Tomorrow we will get background on The Call of the Wild and then begin reading it in class.  Be sure to have your IR books with you daily as we will be reading in class for about ten minutes a class period!  HW: Read and Log IR books

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hey Maris,
What about this book?  It isn't Rockefeller but it is about a philanthropist during the Great Depression..Check it out
maybe this one?
I'm going to the SL public library and will look there too.

Friday 1/7/11

Wow, some really nice poetry, short stories and letters have been written this week.  Final drafts of this work will be collected on Monday.  Please take the time to read carefully for typos before you turn these in, it would be shame to put so much work into bringing the language to life with sensory details and active verbs to have it look like you didn't care!  I would invite you to have a parent or a friend read it over with "editor's eyes".
I'm sure some parents are wondering when the IR book that you so nicely helped your child find (THANK YOU) are due.  We will actually not have to start reading them until Monday since some titles were very difficult to get.  The students will then have three weeks to finish the books.  I am going to give them time in class almost daily to read these and their hw will be very light so they should be reading each night.  We will do fewer Cornell notes this time and they will be focused on relating the history in the book to the research they have found.  Have a great weekend

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday 1/6/2011

We worked on bringing our work to life today.  We read through our papers and tried to eliminate vague language.  The words we

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

some more suggestions

Destiny; Coop or anyone else with child labor/shirtwaist check this title out:
Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix

It's 1909, where extreme working conditions for young people lead to a strike, and eventually a fire.

Gilly,Jade?  or any other depression/hooverville pple check this title out:

Tough Times

Tough Times by Milton Meltzer
Set during the Great Depression, Joey Singer makes the transition from typical high school senior to hobo. This is a great book for anyone who has wondered what life was like during the Great Depression.

Still looking for a book about your topic

Wednesday 1/5/11

Great work in class today.  Many of you have competed or are nearly finished writing your first draft of your assignment.  If you haven't finished writing, you need to by tomorrow when we will work on some peer editing.  The more you have done, the better suggestions you will get!

Tuesday 1/4/11

We kicked off another connections piece today.  Students will create historical pieces of literature to be spotlighted in their presentations at the end of the year.  Be sure to ask what they are creating (or check the link on this page to see their options!)
HW;  Rough outline of your ideas--1)Choice, 2)Who is telling he story, 3)Where will your "story" start? 4)What major historical facts will you endeavor to reveal? 5)Where will your story end?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday 1/3/11

Welcome back.

Period 1: We began reading Jack London's To Build a Fire.  Students were given some points to be looking for as they read the story in worksheet form.  Homework is to complete the first read of the story and the second read of the story with annotations by Monday 1/10/11.

Period 2,7,8:
We watched a few clips today and talked about the dangers faced by gold diggers in the Klondike Gold rush in preparation for reading The Call of the Wild next week.

All SS and English classes will be blocked tomorrow through Friday to complete a connections piece.