Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday 1/30

Today we reflected on the project both to learn more about ourselves and to help Mr. Clark and Mrs. Carlisto make the next project even better.  If you were absent, please complete the following 4 questions in paragraph form on a separate sheet of paper and turn it into me tomorrow.

1. Partner decision.  This is an opportunity to reflect on your choice to work with a partner or to work alone.  Consider not only how your partner pitched in but also how you were to work with.  What, in your opinion, made the partnership thrive or not?  What will you know about yourself as you move into another project where partner choice is free?

2.  What was good about the project?  What elements do you deem worthy of staying as is?  Of course why?

3.  Suggestions for change.  Mr. Clark and I have already met to talk about little things that we could change to make this project better for next year and for our next project which is WWII.

4.  Advice for 7th graders who will be doing this project next year.  Consider what you wish you had done differently. What are you really proud of yourself for doing?

Thanks for your work.  I am very proud of your flocabularies and of you for putting yourselves "out there" and singing and creating!

HW: Read/log/post-it 150 minutes due on MOnday  Keep post its.

Monday 1/28-Tuesday 1/29

Finish up project. Flocabs turned in, movies completed--shared to quicktime and in dropbox, Nooletools document shared into CarlistoFlocab folder through Noodletools.

New Logs 1/28-2/4 150 minutes collected Monday

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Friday 1/25

Friday 1/25/13

§  Final Draft Collected (keep copy for yourselves)—use checklist to be sure all requirements are met.
§  Pictures Located—all pix must be in jpeg format and taken from a reputable source—, Life Magazine (google image search with source:life typed at the end), other .gov websites work as well. AVOID BLOGS photos are often photoshopped
§  Pictures Saved- use your folder on the server or a flashdrive
§  Pictures Cited using Noodletools-be sure to cite as website or archive not as inhand photo
§  Imovie project started and saved-(note which computer you use as you will need to return to same computer to finish project)
o   File menu-start new project
o   Name projectà--lastname(s) and a shortened version of theme (carlistoclarkRR)
o   Drag pictures into project (may have to first have pic on desktop then drag into project) If photo is a .gif or other format it may not work save as .jpeg and it should then work
§  Choose beat—our beats are on student server-tchrclassroomfiles-Clarklisto-Flocab Tracks
§  Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice again
Be sure to double check pronunciation of new vocabulary words

Recording Begins Monday.

Logs due on Monday too (100 minutes)

Thursday 1/24

Thanks go out to Mia and Sam for their live rendition of last year's Flocab!  You rock girls.  We once again worked toward enlivening our pieces today by injecting them with concrete nouns, active verbs, images and emotions.  They are really improving.  Keep up the awesome work.

HW: Finish up lyrics they are due at the beginning of tomorrow's block.  Also reminder-100 minutes of reading due by Monday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday 1/23

More work toward a final draft today.  By end of block final drafts should be in our hands. If not, then students should stay period 10.  Checklist given today and suggestions for revision.

HW: work on Flocab
Read/log/post it--100 minutes due monday

Tuesday 1/22

We listened to 20 beat choices today and then we worked on changing our drafts to match the beat and incorporate 8 vocabulary words, history and poetic devices as well as sensory imagery.

 I also collected reading logs from 1/14-1/22.  New logs distributed 1/22-1/29 100 minutes due on Monday 1/29

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wednesday 1/16-Friday 1-18

We kicked off flocab these last three days.  Wednesday was geared toward choosing a topic, Thursday was geared toward telling the story through a storyboard.  Friday was used for drafting the rough draft. Rough draft is due Tuesday.
Logs due Tuesday as well.150 minutes

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


*Tuesday 1/15

*Please take out power school grade. Be sure your name is on it and that you have circled any 0 or missing grades and have written me a note about when you will make them up.  Friday is the cut off.  After Friday the 0 stays.

*Take out yesterday’s work.  I will model 3-4 then you will work on your own.

*Partners choose the song they want to work with and complete 1-3 together.  Must be turned in at end of period.

*HW: Read/log/post it
        150 minutes due 1/22
         I will check post its again!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Today I collected reading logs for 1/2 to 1/14. We then began to analyze "Imagine" by John Lennon. Maggie came in for the last 5 minutes of class to introduce the new activity to compete for each book you read independently.
HW: power school grades printed and brought to class tomorrow.
Print song lyrics and bring to class
Read/ log/ post it 150 minutes due on 1/22

Friday, January 11, 2013


Today we started off with a bit of a writing activity which you can find on the powerpoint here.  We then covered four new terms which are also on the power point.  We then viewed a poem that employs many of the devices we have been studying so far.  We began discussing them.
Read/log/post it
Logs collected on Monday--> post its checked too
You must have lyrics to a song that is appropriate for school printed out and in hand by Tuesday
Also-you must print out your powerschool grade and have it in hand by Tuesday too

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Today only period 3 met.  In class we read for 20 minutes and viewed/discussed poems for the next 20.

If you were out yesterday due to band be sure to show me your longwrites from 1/3 and 1/7.  I graded them.

HW: Read log post it 200 minutes due Monday 1/14--I will check post its so be sure to be keeping them!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Please open your reader’s notebooks to the tips section and write down the words to a song you like. 
What words do you seem to remember better than others? Why?
Highlight these in texts

If you were out be sure to show me your longwrites from 1/3 and 1/7.  I graded them.

HW: Read log post it 200 minutes due Monday 1/14--I will check post its so be sure to be keeping them!


Because of the Arts in Education Programs today, we spent time in class catching up and reading in Ir books for the little amount of time we were in class.  Reminder you need to complete the Longr=write assigned on Monday.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Today we will look at more poetic devices that have to do with sound--Alliteration, consonance and assonance.  We will take  a look at examples on a  worksheet and then find examples in our own texts--this will be done with a partner.

HW: Read/log/post it complete complete a long write that focuses on a literary device we have studied in class (use the orange sheet to guide you).

Friday, January 4, 2013


Today we covered onomatopoeia and rhyme.  We also spent time with our text books highlighting metaphor, onomatopoeia, and rhyme.  Please see slideshow.  Homework--read, log, post it.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today we shared our imagery findings and began a legend on the cover page.  This legend will act as a guide so we can figure out what all the markings mean throughout the text book.  I gave a quick power point on figurative language and then we focused on similes today.  Students used highlighters to find as many similes as  possible in their texts.  We shared them and made some notes about what makes a simile most effective--what we realized is that the fresher the simile, and the more unexpected the comparison, the better it worked.

HW: Read, log, post it –find figurative language in your IR book and write a longwrite about it—ID the type of figurative language  (simile, metaphor, personification….) then comment on its effectiveness.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Welcome back.  I collected logs today, we logged 10 minutes in class reading.  I shared a powerpoint on imagery and we looked at several examples of imagery in writing.
I will collect logs again on Monday 12/14-200 minutes
HW for tonight requires your homemade textbook of poetry:

Read through your ten poems from your book again.
Choose the poem that has the best imagery in your opinion.
Highlight the words in the poem that create images
In reflections on reading section explain which senses those words speak to and how they work for you