Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thursday 9/29

Today we reviewed Fishcheeks and discussed the signposts and the story.  The lesson reinforced the idea that stopping to think about the signposts leads to a deeper understanding of the text.
HW: Redo worksheet so the last question answered is a full paragraph with many text details to support your claim.
Read for 20 minutes and record signposts along the way.

Wednesday 9/28

Today we collected the new Notice and note log with the added column that asks for an explanation of the signpost.

We then partnered up and read "Fishcheeks" by Amy Tan and completed one of the worksheets based on a contrast or contradiction or an aha moment.

HW: Be sure your worksheet is complete AND read 20 minutes with an eye for signposts (add them to the log as you see them)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday 9/27

Today we reviewed Schooltool accounts and how to access grades. All students left knowing how to show assignments sorted by course. IF you were absent, please check in with me.
We then went over the new Signposts reading log that will have to be filled out weekly (5 signposts/week)

HW: Read 20 minutes with an eye out for Contrasts and Contradictions and AHA moments, fill out log when possible.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday 9/26

Today students turned in their C&C handouts so I could assess their understanding.
We also discussed grades quickly--
We then talked at length about the second signpost-AHA Moments.
We read and excerpt from Jerry Spinelli's Crash

HW: Print school tool grades (if printer not available, copy on a sheet of paper your individual grades and your average for the marking period so far) read for 20 minutes notice and note aha moments and C&C


Today we discussed the value of contrast and contradiction--it allows us to gather more information not only about character but also about setting and conflict and maybe even theme.  Ultimately though, it draws us further into the reading by making us care more about the characters.
HW: CC handout rows 2 and 3 (notice 2 more C &C)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday 9/22

Today we learned about the first signpost-Contrasts and Contradictions by reading "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes and stopping to note any time a contrast or a contradiction occurred so we could stop and think about the question-- why does the character act this way.

HW; Read for 20 minutes and complete one row of the "Lesson of the Unexpected" worksheet based on your IR book.

Wednesday 9/21

Today the morning classes worked further on their SS dialogs.  the afternoon classes talked about the mandala project and read.

HW:read 20 minutes

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday 9/20

Today we spent 10 minutes reading in our IR books.
We then worked with the mandalas uncovering the subtle hints our brains seize in order to inform our decision-making process.

HW: Read 20 minutes and be sure to have your books in class tomorrow.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday 9/19

Today we read for 10 minutes
We then looked closely at Friday's mandalas looking at the layers of meaning.

Try to keep it at the descriptive level with as little interpretation as possible-
”There’s a 3 inch line that curves upright in the upper left hand corner” “yellow dot in the middle”
Instead of “flower on bottom right”--
describe the shape, color,size of the picture. Pointy or rounded edges?
Is this drawing representational or abstract? Complex or simple? Symmetrical?
Color choices? How heavily did artist press on the crayon?
Notice the little things.

Step 2
Now let’s see what we can guess about the artist when we finish the artist can tell us how close we come to the right answers.

What can you guess about this person?
Easy to talk to? Why?
Keep a neat room? Why?
Make a good architect?  Why?
Prefer people or things? Why?
More visual than verbal?  Why?
Worried? Serene? Assertive? Shy? Confident? Religious? Spontaneous? Humorous?  Why?
Used to drawing?  Why?
What kind of music might they like? Why?

Male or female?  Why?

Homework: Read your IR book for 20 Minutes

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday 9/16/16

Today we read for 10 minutes
We then read the Poem To Draw Pictures
Then we got Crayons in hand and drew our own pictures

HW: Read in your IR books and Enjoy the weekend

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday 9/15

Today I explained Status of the Class check procedures and what to do when you finish a book.
We then read for 10 minutes
Next, we flipped to the "All About Me Section" of our reader's notebooks and dated a new entry. The entry asked you to:

  1. describe last night's reading experience-include when you read, where and how it went
  2. describe today's in class reading experience
  3. tell how they compare/contrast. 
  4. Tell what this reflection revealed to you about reading preferences/needs
HW: Read for 20 minutes
Be sure your reader's notebook has permanent tabs and that it is complete with two entries and all sections are clearly marked and labeled.--I will collect and assess tomorrow

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday 9/14/16

Today we met in the library to take the STAR test and to get our IR books. I checked To Read Lists for a grade and students found books and read.
HW: Read 20 minutes, paying attention to your habits as a reader. Also be sure to have permanent tabs in your reader's notebooks by Friday

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday 9/13/16

Today we will get into Gmail, Schooltool and Kidblog.
We will grow our To Read lists

Revised blog posts graded tonight-be sure yours is in and corrected.
Decide which book you will read and bring it with you or check our library website to see if it is available there.
Reminder--On Friday I will check reader's notebooks for:

  •  permanent tabs
  • completed sections
  • 5 books in To Read Section must be complete( all columns)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday 9/12

Today we will set up our Reader's notebooks. Click here for rules.
We will then grow our To Read Lists--Link to poem
Next we will work on our blog posts and reflect on computer use in our newly arranged reader's notebooks

Homework: Be sure to have at least 5 titles on your "To Read" list

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Friday 9/9

Today we will reflect on yesterday's activities.  We will do that through Kidblog where you will reply to a post I made so as to keep the reflections threaded. Please follow the steps below to get the work done efficiently.

  1. Sign into your drive
  2. Click on the appropriate link above to get to kidblog
  3. Join my class by adding the join code from below that pertains to you
  4. Read my post
  5. Create a new google doc 
  6. Answer the questions (from the linked document on my post (it's in red))on the Google doc you just created
  7. Copy your responses and paste them as a comment to my post

MORNING--join code fqy73jt
AFTERNOON join code 3fab6i6

HW: 1. Finish post comments and paste in kidblog 
2.You Must have a list (in reader's notebook)of at least 5 books (with author) with you next WEDNESDAY.

September 8

Great day today. Thanks for putting yourselves out there.  I look forward to hearing your feedback tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016

In the morning we finished up yesterday's activities.
In the afternoon we had a Google discussion, added a useful extension (Grammarly)and Organize drives.

HW: Come ready to have fun tomorrow--do not wear flip flops but do bring sunscreen and water!

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 6, 2016

log into Google Chrome (

go to

Today is much about getting to know you.  Please answer these questions on the index card I have provided for you.

When you are done, fold the index card horizontally.
Put your name on the top half and the results to this online quiz on the second half.

Please then fill out this quick online Survey for the bonding day field trip we will be taking on Thursday.

Homework: Ask your parents to fill out this Permission Slip and this Waiver High Peaks and bring both into class tomorrow. Hard copies were provided in class but just in case.....