Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday 10/28

Today we will begin with our 10 minutes of reading. (Status of the class completed too)
We will briefly discuss and share out post it collection.
We will then meet in groups to discuss our questions about The Ethics of Living Jim Crow
Large group discussion will follow.

HW: Read and keep post its. You will be writing off post its on Monday.

Types of post-its


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday 10/27

Today we will fill out status of the class again and then read for 10 minutes.
We will reread The Ethics of Living Jim Crow . The instruction while reading is to keep post -its as modeled in class. Remember this means to annotate by asking questions, and circling unknown words, reacting and relating.
Tomorrow we will follow this reading up with discussion about the questions.  Any questions that can not be answered in small group will be brought out to large group by submitting them to me on way out.

HW: Read for 20 minutes and keep post its

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday 10/26

Today we met for Clarklisto work but separately in our own classes.  In ELA we will continue the close reading and analysis work we started and the same for social studies. We will complete ours by looking at The Ethics of Living Jim Crow and in social studies you will look closely at more documents and images with the intent of analyzing these.

Before we move forward and while it is still fresh, I need you to take time to reflect. Please complete this sheet as thoroughly and thoughtfully as possible.  Make a copy of this and share it with me. It is worth 10 points in the miscellaneous category--which means at this point it will be worth 25 % of your grade. You can not afford to take the assignment lightly or skip it.

NAME IT--yourname14th reflect    i.e   angiec14threflect

HW Read 20 minutes new status taken again tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday 10/25

Students begin by comparing two responses and determining which is best and why.

After this is modeled, students look at their own first phrase and explanation and determine what changes need to be made.
Students grab a computer and pull up the digital version of the Final Analysis and make those changes.
They then look at the changes that have to be made for the second phrase and make those changes.
Final drafts are due by the end of the block.

Students share their own examples on overhead and we talk through why they are good examples.  Allow students time to make changes on the google doc.
Each student assigned one more document to complete the three columns for--this is done on a new google doc Share with me named your name and #2
Final of #2 is due at the end of the block.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday 10/24

1. Students will take out their homework--side one with textbook summary will be photographed and we will work with side 2 (column 1 must be done)
2. Students meet with theme group
3.Students pair up with anyone with same document (if singleton, will work alone together)
4. Students will share their column one work and suggest changes to one another.-This acts as rough draft so can be very messy
5. Teachers model link of 14th amend to doc (column 2)
6. Students work together on column 2
7. Students complete column 3
8. Return to large groups of theme-share out to one another and suggest changes.

Note--Throughout class shout outs are given for help received (specific help, specific people)

HW:Final Draft of column one and ROUGH Draft of columns 2 and 3 completed on google doc (Make copy and rename your name and share with me. Be sure to fill out name and theme and "My Document says" (in red)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday 10/20/16

Today we first reviewed quickly each of the documents from yesterday.  We then separated into groups of 4 and read the textbook pages that corresponded with the theme assigned.

The task was to read the text and summarize all you learned in a coherent paragraph on the front side of the handout. The morning class will need to be sure to revisit the summary they wrote in class and make sure it all flows together.

Next we modeled how to fill out the summary column on the handout and tasked each student with reading his/her own individual document and to fill out the summary column with 5 sentences.
This summary should have three parts that are connected with TRANSITIONS:
  • A beginning (identifies who wrote it  CONTEXT)
  • A Middle (Tells what the text says)
  • An End (connects the text to the assigned theme)
HW: 1)Review your text summary and be sure all parts are connected AND 2)read your document, 3)complete the summary column. 4)Read 20 minutes

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday 10/19

Today we watched your group videos and then came up with 4 common themes that rang out from our viewing.
We then handed out historical documents and students worked in small groups to look at these documents and determine which category they best fell under.
We then had students share there findings and rationale with the large group and we hung the documents in the hall to work with further tomorrow.

HW : Read IR book for 20 minutes

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday 10/18

Today's goal: Have your group's movie in your playlist on youtube and shared with us.
Steps as I see them:

1. Get ready to record (Practice, Practice, Practice)
2. Record in front of green screen
3. Add title slide to movie (you can do this on the ipad or on imovie on the desktop computer)
    (Check out 9 pin cord from Ms. C)
4. Import movie from ipad into iphoto on desktop
5. Import movie from Iphoto into imovie on desktop
6. Scroll to yesterday's post and copy the image there onto your desktop
7. Work in imovie to replace green screen with image.
          Here is a pretty straightforward tutorial to help you with this endeavor.
8. Share imovie to quicktime onto desktop
9. Upload movie to youtube (drag and drop)
10. be sure to make the settings be UNLISTED name it your names and 14th (AngieKeith 14th)
11. email the link to and to

HW: If your movie is not in our playlist--be sure you leave us your plan to get it there.
         Read 20 minutes

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday 10/17

Today for the first half of the block we modeled how to revise and what to look for in the final draft.  Students worked on revising. Recording began in the second part of the block.

HW: Final touches.  Imovies are to be done by end of block tomorrow.
Read 20 minutes in IR books

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Revised Thursday 10/13

Today we worked on revising the individual slide "What does the 14th Amendment mean to me?" Students were reminded to make the response be relevant to today. They were reminded to be clear with their words, specific with examples and include all Americans in their explanations.

HW: Finish Final Draft of Slide AND print the final draft out. If you have issues printing, be sure to alert Mr. Clark or Ms. Carlisto

Friday 10/14

Goal:Prepare script that consolidates all ideas from the 3 members for a 45-60 second video

  1. Separate into groups of 3
  2. Each student reads his/her RD to group
  3. After reading each student hilites the 2 strongest arguments/points from his/her own write-up up
  4. Each member discusses strongest points of the writeups
  5. Group works to consolidate all ideas to create final write up that most clearly represents what it means to the group 9-11 sentences At the end of each sentence the initials of the partner that the idea came from needs to be noted.  Each partner needs to be noted at least twice.  Mind you, this does NOT need to be sentences that are verbatim--(can be paraphrased so it flows better with the work) just main ideas from that person.  
HW: Complete FD if not done in class

Friday, October 7, 2016

Wednesday 10/12

Today you will have 2 minutes to reorient yourself with the word you will present. In your presentation you will be expected to:

  •  say the word 
  •  share the anecdote
  •  explain how the picture illustrates the word

After you have reviewed your word, you will present it to a partner and then a few people will be selected to share their word with the whole class while their slide is projected up front. As you listen you should consider the new light that is put on the word.

Next we will shift back to the 14th amendment by rereading it and considering what it means to us as individuals.

You will be required to write a rough draft of a response to the prompt:

What does 14th amendment mean in your own words
Complete this draft right on the google slideshow (slide 6)

HW: Be sure Rough draft is complete on the slide and printed out if possible

Tuesday 10/11

Middlebury trip today.  Have Fun.

Friday 10/7

Students will read the comments we have placed on their word 1 slide and make corrections. They will continue on to complete all 3 words.  We are expecting a highly edited, thoughtful slide for each of the words.
Once the 3 slides are complete, students must choose the one word they are proudest of, print out that one slide AND prepare themselves for presenting the word--this means adding notes for self on the printed paper. Presentations will occur on Wednesday.

HW: Print best slide, Have it in hand and be prepared to present on Wednesday --read 20 minutes as well.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday 10/6

Day 2 of Clarklisto's Scratching the Surface of the 14th Amendment

Today you will:

  1. Retake the SS test if applicable.
  2. Review yesterday's activities by sharing out your illustrations/stories
  3. Be instructed on the next step of the project which is a slideshow
  4. Begin your own slideshow by following the directions on slide 1 and using the example as a guide
  5. Complete at least one slide by the end of the period today
HW: Finish the slide if you did not in class, read 20 minutes

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Today is kickoff day for the first Clarklisto project of the year.
We will be looking closely at the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.  Students will determine what it means to them, be able to show it in action and uncover the myriad ways it was not realized throughout history.
Here is today's handout.
Today is about looking closely at the words of the 14th amendment.
HW: Read in IR books, prepare to retake SS quiz if applicable.

Tuesday 10/4

Today we read for 10 minutes. Turned in the pretty purple sheets and finished reading The Ethis of Living Jim Crow.
HW: Read 20 minutes noting signposts as you go.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday 10/3

Today we read for 10 minutes. I collected redone Fishcheeks worksheets.

We then read The Ethics of Living Jim Crow together as a class annotating and noting signposts as we went along.

HW: Read in IR books 5 signposts due tomorrow.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Friday 9/30

Happy half day.  The third period class read and completed a worksheet on their reading. All students should be reading and noting signposts. 5 are due on Tuesday on the pretty purple sheet.
Also remember to redo the Fishcheeks worksheet.