Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today we demonstrated how to self edit.  We provided a worksheet for self editing and time to complete rough drafts.  HW: finish rough draft and self editing sheet (afternoon class finish just intro portion of self editing sheet). REMINDER IR books are due on Monday!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Today we finished up the mini presentations.  Students worked on beefing up their research and on writing rough drafts.  Tomorrow will be spent working on RD and it will be due at the end of the block.
Also students are reminded that they should be continuing their reading logs.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/29/12 Tuesday

Mini presentations began today and MANY students have much work to do still in order to know their topic well enough to write a paper that is filled with facts.  Rough drafts should be started and must be finished by Thursday.  Also reading logs will be collected on Monday instead of today-300 minutes total and WWII books should be complete as well.  Presentations on IR books slated for the middle of next week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday 5/22

What a productive day researching in the library.  I think students are realizing researching is a task that requires much effort and READING!  We are skyping with Jeremy Schaap in the library today.  Jeremy Schaap wrote the book Cinderella Man and has agreed to speak with us about it.  The kids have crafted questions and will have an opportunity to ask them.  Very exciting indeed!

Monday 5/21

Today students turned in their papers about Cinderella Man and their logs.  Then we kicked off our WWII  project.  Ask your student what topic they chose and about the project.  They should be busy nightly doing research and reading their WWII independent reading books.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I was out of class today but the students still had a productive day!  They read in their independent reading books and kept post its and wrote a longwrite based on what they read.
 HW is to edit your paper and be ready to turn in ALL pieces on Monday (see question sheet for checklist) and read in WWII books logs due Monday.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today was all about looking for typos in the essay. Please see the editor's checklist below that we used in class today.  We did move to a new paper each section but if you missed today you could ask someone to read it through looking for all elements or several looking for each.  HW is to edit your paper and be ready to turn in ALL pieces on Monday (see question sheet for checklist) and read in WWII books logs due Monday.  I am out tomorrow so please have your IR books as you will be completing 30 minutes of reading and a long-write in class tomorrow for a grade!

1. Logistics
o   Heading
o   Double space
o   Cinderella Man directed by Ron Howard

2.  Spelling and Capitalization of Names
o   James J. Braddock
o   Mae Braddock
o   Mike and Sara Wilson
o   Joe Gould (agent and friend)
o   Johnston (promoter, made Jimmy watch fight)
o   Max Baer
o   Other general spelling errors
3.  Second person and paragraphs
o   Avoid YOU
o   Paragraphs—is it broken up into paragraphs?

4.  Confused words
o   There/their
o   It’s/its
o   Where/were
o   Then/than
o   Woman/women
5.  Run-on sentences
o   Three ways to fix a run on sentence:
1.    Add a period and capitalize next word
2.    Use a comma conjunction  (, and)
3.    Use a semi colon
6.  Tense:
o   When referring to scenes in the movie stay in the literary present
o   For example
§  This is clearly reflected in the movie when Braddock… instead of
This was in the movie…
§  The movie is about a man ….
instead of
The movie was about a man….


Today we did not work on the essay but rather we spent time investigating who Jeremy Schaap is so we can prepare ourselves for the Skype session that Jared's mom, Ms. Mara Smith, has so generously set up for us!!!!!  We also re-read chapter 10 to be able to craft some thoughtful questions for the question session with Mr. Schaap.

HW: Be sure to have typed paper with you in class tomorrow
         Be sure to have a minimum of 2 questions for Mr. Schaap on a separate sheet of paper to turn in
         WWII books should begin to be read and post its making connections kept.  1450 minutes due Monday


Today we spent time editing for content.  I read my sample document section by section and instructed students to look for specific items in reach section and provide feedback for the student whose paper they were sitting in front of.  IF you missed this class, it is a great idea to stay with me period 10 to make it up.

Homework is to make revisions and bring them to class with you on Thursday. Also be sure to have WWII book and to be logging for the 150 minutes due on Monday.
Today we handed in logs and reviewed each other's rough drafts of the papers.  We looked for the items below to be present in the paper.  Tonight's homework is to revise the paper and to type it for class tomorrow and to be sure to have a WWII book by Wednesday.

1) Concise summary with imp. ideas?

2) Themes of the Great Depression mentioned:


Is there clear support for each theme?

3: Character traits(s) of Braddock:
Support given:

4) Most important/fav scene:

Explanation why/how:

5) Overall impression of movie given?

Friday, May 11, 2012


We worked on the rough draft of the paper in class today.  HW is to finish the rough draft and to complete logs 150 min.
Remember by next Wednesday you have to have anew IR book that is about WW II!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We finished Cinderella Man today and students took time to process the film by discussing some guided recall questions.  I also reminded them to find WWII novels by next Wednesday and that logs are due next Monday. We will begin our essay in class tomorrow and continue it throughout the middle of next week.

5/7, 5/8

We continued to watch Cinderella Man in class being sure to note Great Depression themes and characterization of J. Braddock
HW: logs 150 min by next Monday also students must choose a WWII novel to read by next Wednesday

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today we kicked off Cinderella Man.  HW:  READ/LOG POST IT LOGS DUE MONDAY

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today we read for ten minutes then set the stage for watching Cinderella Man by discussing the Great Depression and reading an excerpt of the book CInderella Man.    Students were asked to finish reading that article and annotate it as well as get their permission slip signed (see below).

Dear Parent,
The students have been studying the Great Depression in social studies class and we have been studying the craft of writing and have just recently started talking about decisions screenwriters have to make to preserve the integrity of books like Call of the Wild for example.  In class this week we will be viewing Cinderella Man directed by Ron Howard. This movie has been rated PG-13 for violence (it is about a boxer) and minor language.  As such, I need your permission to allow your child to view the film in class starting Wednesday 5/2.

We will use the movie as a basis to discuss how the historical elements that have been studied in social studies are incorporated and to discuss how audiences are manipulated by the many and various mediums they encounter daily. 

If you agree to grant permission for your child to view this video, please sign below and return.                                             

Your child is not required to view this video.  An alternate assignment related to the unit being taught will be provided if you do not grant permission for your child to view this video.

Thank you,
Angie Carlisto

I, _______________________________ grant permission for my child,
________________________________to view the PG/PG 13 video listed above.
                        Name of Student

Signature of Parent                                                             Date