Thursday, March 21, 2013


We worked on Maggie's project check it out to the right here!
HW: work on blog.



BOCES trip today.  We debriefed on the activity yesterday.


We went home early due to snow.  This means i only got a chance to meet with the morning classes. We worked with the responses you wrote yesterday in order to determine what makes a good answer a good answer.  No HW.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Today Ms. Gosling handed out permission slips and talked about the field trip to the AEC on Wednesday afternoon.  This trip allows you the opportunity o see what choices high school has to offer  as far as courses go.  Please return permission slip by tomorrow.
We then took a quiz on chapter 5 of COTW>  IF you missed today, you will need to make this quiz up.
I also collected reading logs so be sure to turn that in as well.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Happy Pi day! As it was half day today, period 3 and I got to discuss reading and our books and we logged a bit of time reading as well.  Reminder chapter 5 needs to be completed with notes by Monday AND I will collect logs on Monday too.

See yesterday's post for the questions to consider while you read.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Unfortunately I had to be out today.  All students worked on reading and taking notes on Chapter 5.  Students need to finish reading and note taking for chapter 5 by Monday 3/18. Please use the guided reading questions below to aid in understanding the chapter. Additionally, I will collect logs on Monday 3/18 with 150 minutes logged.

Your job is to read as much of chapter 5 with your partner as you can.  Be sure to stop and take notes as you read.  Consider the questions below as you try to read for understanding. All page numbers apply to my book, yours may not be exact if you are not in period 9 English)

Stop at “Buck heard the chaffering...(53)” describe the new owners as you know them so far.  How do you predict they will fare in the Northland? Explain/discuss.

Stop at “Late next morning…” (59) Review last 4 pages—what do you think of Mercedes, Hal and Charles? Discuss your feelings about each and consider how London develops them as characters (in other words what words inform your opinion about each?)

Stop at “The first to go was Dub” (bottom 60).  How is the trip going so far? Toil vs pride?(of trail and trace) 

Stop at “In the excess of their own misery…” (63) What’s happening to the family relationships? (60—63)

Stop at “It was beautiful spring weather…”(65) What’s happening to the sled dogs? (63-65)

What differences are there so far between Hal. Mercedes and Charles and Francois and Perrault/Scotch half-breed?

Stop at “With the dogs falling..” (66) What’s happening with the weather? Why should the drivers care?

Stop at “As Buck watched them…”(69) What happened between John and Hal?

Discuss—What does the title of the chapter mean? 

·      YOU WILL BE QUIZZED ON MONDAY BE SURE TO FINISH THE CHAPTER AND READ FOR UNDERSTANDING.  Capitalize on this time reading with a partner to ask questions of each other and work toward understanding.

·      Reader’s notebooks must be turned in by Thursday any late notebooks will lose 10 points a day—MAJOR GRADE.
·      Logs will be collected on Monday as well

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Today we spent time making sure our notebooks were complete and turned them in (every class had an opportunity to use the checklist found on yesterday's post).
Periods 8 and 9 had to finish up discussion.  Period 3 began partner reading chapter 5 and taking notes while reading.
HW: Read/log/post it fill in any holes in RN and turn it in by Thursday.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today we finished up discussion of chapter 4.  I collected reader's notebooks from period 3 and plan to collect notebooks from period 8 tomorrow.  If you were absent, be sure you can answer the rest of the questions on the worksheet and to see me if you have problems with any of them.  I also collected logs from each class 3/4-3/11 new logs are from 3/11 to 3/18 and 150 minutes are due.  HW: Read Log Post it. BE SURE RN IS COMPLETE__MAJOR GRADE!

1.     12/6—LW
2.     12/10—LW
3.     12/11 In reflections section of RN create an entry with your top 5 five lists of books in your life.  Tell what has stuck with you about the book and explain for each of the 5 titles you have provided.
4.     12/13 Do all reflecting in your reader’s notebooks in the reflection section.
1.       What is poetry?       
2.       Where do we find it?
3.       What is your experience with poetry?

5.     1/2 Read through your ten poems from your book again.
1.       •Choose the poem that has the best imagery in your opinion.
2.       •Highlight the words in the poem that create images
3.       •In reflections on reading section explain which senses those words speak to and how they work for you

6.     1/3 HW: Read, log, post it –find figurative language in your IR book and write a longwrite about it—ID the type of figurative language  (simile, metaphor, personification….) then comment on its effectiveness.

7.     1/7 HW: Read/log/post it complete a long write that focuses on a literary device we have studied in class (use the orange sheet to guide you).

8.     2/4 Today we worked on a long write.  I stressed the importance of going back to the words in the book to find out how the author was able to create the reaction s/he did.

9.     2/4 HW:  Another long write!


    2/13 Longwrite--writer's craft
Find a post-it wherein you reacted strongly then go back to the text and try to figure out how the author was able to elicit that response.  Was it through plot? Imagery? figurative language?  Point out particular words or phrases that struck you from that particular scene.

    2/14 "LW" identify at least two new words you have run across today.  Provide the context in which you saw the word and provide a guess definition for the word.  If you found the word in your book--copy the whole sentence that contains it, if you heard it in a conversation provide the context in which it was used.

1  2/28 Today we watched the poem performed by Shane Koyczan.  We then wrote in our reflections on reading section of Reader's notebooks for 3 minutes.

    3/5 LW author’s craft
    3/7 LW author’s craft

POST ITS are they all in there from the books you have completed and the page on which you have put them labeled with title of book and author?