Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday 5/27

Today we mapped out the game plan for the presentation. Mr. Clark and I showed our example and talked students through different scenerios.  We also focused on finding an historical document in class.
presentations will begin on Monday!

Grade 7

Click here to complete the reading survey please.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday -Thursday 5/19--5/2

Monday--research today packets due tomorrow
Tuesday--More research--packets due and mini presentations begin 2nd part of the block
Wednesday--Eyewitness accounts are to be found today.  Handout due by end of block (this includes the last prompt which is to share your refection on the eyewitness account with me via google)
Thursday--Other perspective to be found today. Handout due by the end of the block.(again includes google-doc reflection sharing)

Friday 5/16

Presentations today. Keep working on your topic research too.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday 5/15

Today we did more research in class. Packets are filling up. I am hopeful your topic understanding is increasing as well!

English IR presentations tomorrow!

Wednesday 5/14

Today we finished up the KTN sheet and began using book sources in the classroom to find answers to our research questions. We were very impressed with grup work today. Nice job using each other to prompt more thinking!  HW: look for an internet source to give more info.

English IR presentations FRIDAY!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday 5/13

 Today we went over the project.  See the packet here for more info.
Please share your works cited page to the folder

Carlisto Image in Noodletools.

No reading logs this week BUT you will be reading tons for 

your research  :)

English IR presentations FRIDAY!

Monday, May 12, 2014


WWII overview.
No logs this week
Presentations about your books happen on Friday.

Wednesday-Friday 5/7-5/9

Work days including math classes !
Logs due Friday and presentations will happen next week.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday 5/6

Students worked with one another with the overview sheet in front of them talking through what the expectations were and working out different understandings. An example of prewriting work was shown--Thanks Tatum and Logan! They then were asked to talk about how they envisioned their presentation would look.  The goal was to push each other to be creative yet logical in their presentations.  Logs will be collected on Friday 150 minutes.

Afternoon classes here are your directions for class.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday 5/5

I thought I was going to be attending that technology day today but it has been moved to Wednesday.  Today we worked on finishing books that are due tomorrow or if students were done, they worked with one another with the overview sheet in front of them talking through what the expectations were and working out different understandings.  They then were asked to talk about how they envisioned their presentation would look.  The goal was to push each other to be creative yet logical in their presentations.  Logs will be collected on Friday 150 minutes.

Tuesday --Friday

Work on reading books/beginning project.