Friday, June 17, 2016



Please fill out the survey linked here to finish expedition week and your 8th grade year.
We can't wait to see you at graduation tonight.

6:30 looking sharp!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


  1. Read all book choices, as a group decide which one you want to read with your chosen grade level.
  2. Talk about what you think the central message of the book is.  What might students take away from reading the book?
  3. Determine how you will set the book up for the kids. How will you introduce it so they will be hooked? A hint is to try to get them to relate to some aspect of the book.
  4. Determine 4 possible discussion questions for after you read.
  5. Practice the activity related to your book-discuss how to present it to your kids.
  6. Determine how you will break up the responsibility of reading/presenting.
  7. PRACTICE!!!

A handout for each group will be provided with these tasks listed and space for answers.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Here is a link to the slideshow you must make a copy of for the celebration workspace.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Today we are going to  look at key facts and people surrounding Selma so the movie is even more enjoyable next week.

link to resources

Logs handed in today.



Logs due tomorrow

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday 6/8

We will read for 20 minutes.
Then we are going to talk about next week and the activities we have planned and the importance of being here not only because it is going to be a blast but also because we will be completing a piece for your upcoming Celebration on June 17th!

I will ask you to fill out this survey during class. IF you are absent please take time to do this.

Reminder logs are due Friday 100  minutes

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday 6/6

Today you took the NYS Science test.  If we met, we read for 20 minutes and took the final Star test of the year.  You will have a reading log that will be due on Friday--100 minutes and post its will be expected to be turned in on that log.