Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes in our IR books.  We then finished chapter 5 of Nightjohn and discussed it at length.  HW for tonight is to finish up any reading minutes you have left and to log your time and write post its.  Also I am asking for one longwrite based on your IR book.  This longwrite should focus on how your experiences let you "step into the shoes" of you character.  For  example, if I chose to write about the time Sarny learned the word bag I would write the following:
I was able to step into Sarny's shoes when she was so proud of herself for learning to read the word bag.  The reason I was able to understand a little bit of how she was feeling was that I could remember a time when I was as proud of myself.  When I first learned to ride my bike, that is all I wanted to do just like when Sarny wrote the word everywhere, I rode my bike everywhere.  When I first learned to ride my bike, I got so caught up in riding that I didn't even notice it was dinner time.  This sort of happened to Sarny because she got so caught up in writing her word, she did not notice Waller come up behind her.  Even though I do not know what it was like to be a slave, I can understand sometimes a little bit of how Sarny is feeling.