Wednesday, October 31, 2018


10 minutes of joyful reading
Listen to "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl.
HW: Read 20 minutes

Tuesday 10/30

Today will be spent in Social Studies.

HW: 20 minutes of reading

Monday 10/29

10 minutes of reading in your IR books.

As a sort of litmus test for how well you understand plot, I am going to ask you to fill out a worksheet that asks you to identify all the major plot points of the story you will read on your own.

Individual work:
1. Read/annotate Little Red Riding Hood
2. Complete Handout
3. Turn in all work to Ms. Nemec

HW: Read 20 minutes

Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday 10/26

10 minutes of reading bliss--settle in and enjoy.

Notes plot--take these in Reader's notebook

HW: Read 20 minutes--Use the weekend to catch up if you skipped reading last night or any night this week.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday 10/25

10 minutes of reading

Discussion of RRGA in small groups.

Large group share out findings

HW: Read 20 minutes --check Schooltool if you haven't yet. There are many missing Clarklisto end of project surveys (10 points)--see last Thursday's post on THIS blog for link to survey.

If you were out for All County and did not see me--print out the first page of the handout linked above and complete it before class tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday 10/24

10 minutes of blissful reading

Read "Rain Rain Go Away" by Isaac Asimov together

Discuss major conflict of story

HW: Check Schooltool AND read 20 minutes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday 10/22/18

Today we are going to spend time getting back into our IR books and habits. 
You will need to first make an entry on your SOC. 
20 minutes reading
Another entry on SOC
Check completed books slideshow and update.

HW: Read 20 minutes.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday 10/17

Welcome back from DC. Thanks for showing up today even when you are tired-we get how hard it is.  

Today we will start with 10 minutes of writing about the DC trip. Please make a copy of this prompt and share it with me then write for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes of writing:
  • Complete this survey about the CLarklisto Project. It is worth 10 points of the 100 of Clarklisto. Write all answers on a Google doc then copy and paste them into the survey (this allows you to spellcheck AND you can save it if you run out of time unlike the survey)

On Monday you will fill out SOC and read. Be sure you have read at least 80 minutes since Clarklisto started. A reading grade will be taken next week.

HW: Finish Clarklisto survey and the DC reflection.