Friday, October 28, 2011
Today we shared last night's longwrites and listened to critiques of them so everyone is clear on what is expected--jump into the idea and then think out loud about why you had the idea! We then Discussed the idea that readers read differently. Some read with a tendency to predict, others tend to think about why their characters are behaving the way they are, others predict how the story will unfold, others ask questions and still others focus on author's craft. We then examined our own post-its and categorized them into 8 categories: wondering;questions;predicting;character behavior;connections;envisioning and other. After looking at our own trends we reflected on our reading lives in "All about me as a reader". We first wrote what we noticed about our post its, then indicated a goal we have set for November's reading and post its. HW is to finish the RN entry in "all about me as a reader" if not completed in class and also to write ANOTHER LONGWRITE in reflections on reading while we are reading and logging.