The following is what the students worked on today. Rough drafts are due tomorrow.
Essay prompt for “The Cat and The Coffee Drinkers” by Max Steele
Final Question:
Is Miss Effie an effective teacher? Is she the sort of teacher for whom you think parents should stand in line to assure their child gets into class?
I want you to write your answer in essay form. I want you to write an introduction with a clear opinion, a body with more than one paragraph and a conclusion. Your essay will be turned in and graded as a major grade.
- Use the text to check your facts
- Keep in mind the counter-arguments as you support your opinion
- Use TRANSITIONS (find your sheet or get a new one)
- 3 is the magic number!—A minimum of three details should be given to support your opinion then each of those details should be supported with three additional details
For example:
Eighth grade is the best grade (opinion)
It is great because the teachers rock, the classes are exciting and we have power. (General reasons)
(1st general detail) Teachers Rockà (specific details to support the first of three details) Mr. Clark has clear expectations like his battle board assignment and he also models what he expects so it is very clear what I should be doing all the time. Additionally Mr. Wissler is very knowledgeable about his subject and makes me see how science is part of my every day experience and that it is valuable. An example of this is….. And finally Mrs. Mariano moves at the pace I need her to in math class which reassures me that I ill understand math well by the time I leave grade 8. AN example of this is…..
Be sure to clearly and thoroughly support your opinion