Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Today we read our conclusions to one another to get feedback, we then reminded ourselves of our goals for editing and read over draft#2 of our papers and made changes to our grammar, spelling capitalization etc.... Homework is to be sure logs are complete with 150 minutes read recorded.  Also gather the text with annotations, persuasion map, RD # 1, Orange sheet or half sheets, and Rd # 2 so you cna turn them in with your final draft tomorrow.  Remember you will be given 36 minutes to write your final draft in class I will talk for 1 and you will fill out the "what did I change" form for 4 minutes so if this won't be enough time to write finish your final draft, start it tonight.


Conclusion mini lesson today wrote conclusions on draft 2 of paper will peer edit tomorrow.  Logs due on Wednesday!

12/14, 12/15,12/16

12/14--We continued working on RD #1
12/15--Peer edit day half sheets of paper given to everyone to determine what types of changes are made and reading logs turned in!
12/16--Mrs. Carlisto out sick, worked on final draft without conclusion today due by Monday

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Thanks for being great students yesterday for Ms. Rockhill! It made my day to be able to come in and read the sub's note and be reminded of what a great group of students you all are.
Today we prepared our reader's notebooks to turn in. If you were out, see me to do this.  We then received a handout about transitions and began working on rough drafts.  HW: complete rough draft and read and log and post it.


Today we read for the period and wrote about what we read on a worksheet that will be graded. If you were absent, be sure to pick one of these up.  We will write the rough drafts in class tomorrow. HW: read  and log time and keep post its.


We worked on reading a sample essay in class today noting how transitions are employed to give purpose to the examples we include.  I did check to be sure everyone had completed a map of his/her essay.
HW: read/log/post it--one more long write (should have total of 8 plus the one setting entry).

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Today we worked on outlining our paper using a map to clearly organize our information.  Outlines are due for tomorrow's class and another longwrite.

12/6, 12/7

We worked on discussing the story working on theme and rereading to gather evidence.  HW: on 12/6 was a long write, 12/7-be prepared to turn in reading log.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Today we read for 10 minutes, reviewed our annotations for the story "Harrsion Bergeron" and then proceeded to work in small groups to discuss themes of the story.  We then began to reread the story with the objective of gathering evidence to support our interpretation of the theme of the story.  HW: Read/log/post it and complete another longwrite.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


During 3rd period today, we spent much time discussing theme of the story "Harrison Bergeron".  Students did a fantastic job of peeling back layers of meaning.  We will bring discussion to a large group on Monday.  Homework remains the same as yesterday since all classes did not meet, Read/log post it and one more well developed long write.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today I collected reading logs, 20 postits and checked long writes.  If you were absent, be sure to hand these in.  We then finished Harrison Bergeron and our annotations, additionally when we finished the shrot story, we reacted to it quickly right on the text.  Period 8 did not quite finish the story so they have the additional assignment to finish the story and react to it.  All classes have the homework assignment of reading/logging and posting and completing another longwrite in reader's notebooks.


Today in class we read for 10 minutes, I checked the writer's notebook assignment from yesterday and then we used that entry to generate discussion in our groups about what it might mean to live in a totally equal society.  We then began to read and annotate the short story, "Harrison Bergeron".  HW: Be sure to have completed longwrites, postits and reading logs in class with  you tomorrow.