Monday, April 30, 2018

FREE AUDIO BOOKS ALL SUMMER starting this week (it's summer-like somewhere)

Here is a link to Audio File and their audio book program called Sync:

Two young adult audio book titles will be released for free every week all summer long starting this week!
You can sign up on your device via an email or by text. You will need a library card to download the app Overdrive. 
If you download the books onto your device, they are yours to keep for free forever :)

Monday 4/30

Today you get to finish up your novel. When you are done, you will complete this handout.  The handout will need to be complete by Thursday. 

HW: Read 30 minutes between now and Thursday's class. Good luck on the NYS Math exam.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday 4/27


You will need to track your reading through post its that you keep on a separate page. Consult this handout to help you remember the sorts of theories I will expect you to be growing as you read. There is a reflection piece I expect you to complete when you finish the book.

Happy reading!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday 4/26

NO 10 minutes of reading because you will read for 40 minutes tomorrow and on Monday--must choose a graphic novel to read

Finish up station rotation with more large group share out.

HW; Read 20 minutes in your IR book AND choose a GN to bring to class tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday 4/25

10 minute read
Stations continue

HW: Read 20 minutes keep post its

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday 4/24

10 minute read

Station explanation and group set up. 7 minute station rotations.

If you were absent-you will need to see me during a 10th period when you return.

HW: Read 20 minutes

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday 4/23

10 minute read (I will collect your LW#8)
A little more work with 3 Little Pigs--you will tell the story without using words
We will compare/contrast mediums of storytelling--words/pictures
Jeff Smith adds some insight on the medium (start at 1:51)

HW: read 20 minutes take post its

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday 4/20

Today we will read 10 minutes
Next we will pull out our Reader's notebooks and complete LW #8 on our books.
In this LW, you will need to identify one technique used by your author to enhance the story. In addition to identifying this, you will need to explain yourself by explaining the effect of the words  the author chose. A quick example is here.

HW: Have an outstanding weekend. Be kind to others, make your mark every day.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday 4/19/18

We will start with an SOC today
10 minutes of reading next.
long story short activity

HW: Read 20 minutes and consider the techniques the author of your book is using to make a short story long. You will be expected to explain this tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday 4/18

Thank you to Mrs. Gosling and Mrs. Hammaker for coming in today to talk about the transition to high school and schedule making. If you were absent, you should check in with Mrs. Gosling.

Remember 40 minutes of reading due Thursday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday 4/17/18

SOC (x2)
10 minute reading
quick Flipgrid discussion
Story writing activity

HW: Read 40 minutes for Thursday's class.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday 4/16

The 2 hour delay this morning shortened periods so we will not accomplish as much as I'd hoped.

Students will be given back their worksheets from Friday to complete for homework if it was not completed on Friday.

Am Students will complete a SOC then read for 10 minutes and papers will be returned.

PM students will read for 10 minutes
complete worksheets if not done
Write about an interesting incident that involves you. This should be a quick story. It cna be done by handwriting it or by typing. It will be due at the end of class.

HW: AM-complete unfinished Fri work if not done AND read 20 minutes with post its

PM-20 minutes of reading with post its

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday 4/13

We will first complete this SOC update in hard copy. If you are absent you may do this digitally and share it with me.

10 minutes of reading.

Next each student will be tasked with viewing 3 FG created by classmates.  Each student will choose 2 names from a hat and then be able to choose one additional FG. (If you are absent, choose 3 on your own.)
Once done listening to the 3, you will need to listen to your own in order to follow the directions on the worksheet.

This worksheet needs to be completed and turned in before the end of class.

  FlipGrid Link

HW: Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday and Thursday 4/11 4/12


Your SOC will be expected to reflect 60 minutes of reading and post its since Tuesday's entry.

BE sure to get it done!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday 4/10

Today you will:

Fill out a status of the class.
Finish up any final preparations for your FG. (Feel free to watch my example in the link below)
Record your Flipgrid
Hand in the following:
               Post its
Read your IR book and take post its

Here is the link to record your Flipgrid. Or if you want to access it via your smartphone scan this:

HW: Read IR books for 20 minutes and take post its
Rest up, find 2 #2 pencils and bring your IR books so you can read after the NYSELA exam.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday 4/9/18

Welcome Back. I hope Spring break provided the rest you needed and you are all feeling refreshed and ready to finish the school year with gusto.

Today we will work with your WWII IR books. I have provided all of you with a two-paged handout that you will complete in class today. The goal is for you to revisit your stories and give them time to sink in and figure out how you let them into your world. You will share your thoughts in a Flipgrid tomorrow. (If you were absent today, you can find the handouts here and here--please do all work in hard copy).

HW: If you did not complete the H/O in class today, you need to do so tonight AND everyone needs to Read 20 minutes with post its.