Thursday, October 30, 2014


Welcome back to just English.  We took a few minutes to reorient ourselves in our books. Then we pulled up our slideshows and went to the kidblog linked above and answered the blog post for today. It simply asks us to reflect on the status of our slides so we can prioritize what is needed for a fantastic presentation on Tuesday.  Editing, whitespace issues, pictures, links etc...

HW: read
new logs are due 11/10  150 minutes with stickies!


I hear you did lots of good work on your slides while I was at my conference today. Thanks for working hard!
HW: slideshow ready to present on Tuesday
no blocking tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday 10/28

Link to our slideshow for ideas 

One person will do statistics slide and Eyewitness slide
the other person will do the political/historical slide and the then and now slide

We will give time to brainstrom ideas in class and to give hints for searching but mostly students will spend time working on their assigned slides.  ALl 4 slides are due by the end of the block tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday 10/26

Today we worked on slide #5.
Your HW is to:
Complete the impact slide (#5)
Create an alternate title for your topic on slide #1
Complete your notes packet

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday 10/23

Today we did a quick mini lesson on plagiarism. Students were then asked to fix their paragraphs to make sure they were in their own words.  We had intended to do a peer editing session but did not get to that periods 2 and 3.  The second part of the block started off with a quick overview of expectiations for slide number 2 then students were set off on the task of completing slides 1-4 for Monday. All links should work. All typos should be corrected. All components of hte slide should be present and suggested format followed. Please see the slideshow with directions link to the right.  Scroll down to slide #11 for the model slideshow and rules (just afer all the red slides that were meant to guide your template).

We will grade slides 1-4 on Monday. This will be major grade in both ss and in Eng.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday 10/22

Today we did lots of work today on the topic slide.  Be sure to check out the "daily rundown" link to the right for more details about class.

HW:  The topic slide is due tomorrow with its well-crafted paragraph and image from a reliable source.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday 10/21

Today we worked on answering the research questions you did for homework last night. We used books from class to do this and then we worked on filling in the notes packet that we started on Friday.

During the second part of the block students were instructed to work on their background slides because tomorrow they have to be completed and the partners will give a mini presentation that walks through background information with Mr. Clark.

HW: Be sure to complete the third slide which is background information--check the slideshow with directions link to the right to make sure you have all elements of this slide complete.  Know your background information so you can present it to us tomorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Monday 10/20

Step 1: Log into your google account and go to your drive.
Tab 1: Slide Organizer
Tab 2: Look to the right for the link to slideshow with directions! (Under links for project)
Tab 3: Your slideshow (make sure it is named right--CW topic initials

HW: Fill in brainstorming slide

Friday 11/17

See here for Friday's plan.  Note we did NOT organize the slides.  Lots of great work filling in notes happened!  Nice work!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday 10/16/14

Today we will check your annotations of your first article.  You will be given an opportunity to share what you learned about your topic ( and identify what you still need to know).
We will go over the slide show so you have a sense of the depth and breadth of research you need.  You will be given 20 minutes to find another article then we will go over the expectations for a story board.
HW: read and annotate article #2 and finish storyboard.

all links to your articles need to be pasted onto your notes document.
you can find directions for each slide on the link to the right (under links for project).

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday 10/15

It's Clarklisto Kickoff day.

Please fill out this survey with your partner.  We will use it to assign topics for the project.

HW: Find an article on your topic that is from a reputable site(see below) and read it and annotate it for homework. The link to the site should appear on your notes page. This will be graded tomorrow.

Timeline to START

Finding a reliable source hints:
  • Add to the end of your search terms  and it will only give you educational institution hits for example election of 1860
  • Add  to the end of your search terms.  This will search just the National Parks service Website--great resources here!  for example election of 1860
While you can use Wikipeida to get ideas about how to search, you may NOT use it as your final resource.  Feel free to browse the links at the end of the article to find a resurce that is helpful BUT Wikipedia articles will not be counted as your reliable resource!

By the time you leave class you should:
  1. have completed the survey with your partner, 
  2. created and shared a notes page with your partner, 
  3. begun a google slide presentation and shared it with your teachers
  4. found an article and had a teacher sign off on it, 
  5. printed that article and 
  6. be set to do your homework which is to read and annotate the article for tomorrow's class.

Tuesday 10/14

Today we worked on the slavery attribute packet. It is due for homework tomorrow.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Image Search quick Google tip

As we move into our Clarklisto project where you are going to be asked to find several images and to cite them you may find this video tutorial helpful!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday 10/10

You were in here for a blocked period today. The morning was a bit crazy because of pictures but we all got into our school gmail accounts and began a document that asked for a reflection on what you bring to a partnership and what you need in a partnership.  This is all to prepare for the upcoming CLARKLISTO project.  We then finished all of chapter 6 and began chapter 7.

If you were absent, you will need to see this document for instructions.
Logs will be collected on Tuesday.
Enjoy the long weekend.

Thursday 10/9

If you missed today, you should make sure you have answers to the handout from yesterday and that you read chapter 6.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday 10/8

Great job peeling back layers today with the discussion questions.  If you missed class, you missed some great insight into how Gary Paulsen manipulates us and tells a great story that while on the surface seems to be about disrespect for slaves, actually is a beautiful story of the humanness of slaves.  Be sure to look the questions over and talk to afirend about them or come see me.

HW: Read log post it--halfway check--do you have about 70 minutes logged?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday 10/7

Today we read for 10 minutes then spent time sharing out ideas and pushing each other to think more deeply about the questions on the handout using our books and evidence from the text to support our assertions.  2nd period class spent time looking at their Powerschool printout and I explained the codes I use on the program.

HW: Read/log/post it

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday 10/6

Today we took 4 minutes to gather post its and turn them in with our logs.  We then read for 10 minutes. The morning class finished chapter 5, period 8 discussed chapter 5 and period 9 did a combination of both of those tasks.  Afternoon classes worked with PS grades quickly and then moved on to discussion. Morning classes will work with PS grades tomorrw so be sure to have them!

If you were absent, be sure to finish ch 5 and look at the discussion questions and to turn in your log with post its attached.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday 10/1

Today we read for 10 minutes. You are gettign much better at post its! Remember I will collect all post its from the week of 9/29-10/5 on Moday with your log--don't lose them especially if you have finished a book.

After reading, everyone took a quiz.  This was your opportunity to show me everyhting you and your partner were able to get out of the reading and discussion of chapter 4. If you were absent, you need to make sure you see me to make this quiz up!

HW: Read/log/post it logs and post its due on Monday
Also print out your powerschool grade by Friday.  You will need the printout to show all the individual grades in English not just your overall grade. If you are not sure how to do this, see me or ask a friend!