Today we first reviewed quickly each of the documents from yesterday. We then separated into groups of 4 and read the textbook pages that corresponded with the theme assigned.
The task was to read the text and summarize all you learned in a coherent paragraph on the front side of the handout. The morning class will need to be sure to revisit the summary they wrote in class and make sure it all flows together.
Next we modeled how to fill out the summary column on the handout and tasked each student with reading his/her own individual document and to fill out the summary column with 5 sentences.
This summary should have three parts that are connected with TRANSITIONS:
- A beginning (identifies who wrote it CONTEXT)
- A Middle (Tells what the text says)
- An End (connects the text to the assigned theme)
HW: 1)Review your text summary and be sure all parts are connected AND 2)read your document, 3)complete the summary column. 4)Read 20 minutes