Thursday, October 13, 2016

Friday 10/14

Goal:Prepare script that consolidates all ideas from the 3 members for a 45-60 second video

  1. Separate into groups of 3
  2. Each student reads his/her RD to group
  3. After reading each student hilites the 2 strongest arguments/points from his/her own write-up up
  4. Each member discusses strongest points of the writeups
  5. Group works to consolidate all ideas to create final write up that most clearly represents what it means to the group 9-11 sentences At the end of each sentence the initials of the partner that the idea came from needs to be noted.  Each partner needs to be noted at least twice.  Mind you, this does NOT need to be sentences that are verbatim--(can be paraphrased so it flows better with the work) just main ideas from that person.  
HW: Complete FD if not done in class