Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday 10/7

  • Ten minutes of reading during which time I checked post its and logs.--see me if you were absent today this is a grade.
  • You will work with a partner, choose an ad and together deconstruct it, analyze it and present your analysis to the class.

HW: Read/log/post it
3rd and 7th period you have an additional assignment which is simply to reflect on the activity you did today--What did you realize about the assignment? yourself? the appeal? etc.. and how/why did you realize it?  Please see below for an example:
I realize that when I worked on the assignment with Frank today I had some trouble.  The first thing I realize by looking back is that all the ads had all three appeals so we had to really talk about which one fit our criteria best.  I guess I know that I have to have reasons for my choices.  Another thing we found is that if we skipped the step of looking closely at what was there--we struggled with giving specific details and even unpacking them so I guess this means not to waste our time. Additionally I found that it took quite a bit of work to be able to produce something that was at the mastery level. I was glad Frank was there to listen to my ideas because I think that made our response better.  We were better abel to use transitions and unpack our evidence if we first talked it through. I think I learned that planning and working with a partner is something I like to do since it forces me to think and to plan.