Period 3:
Today we discussed last night's reading by finding instances in the story that caused a strong reaction and discussing those instances with a partner to discover what it really made us realize. We then took a highlighter to the story and hi-lited instances where Richard Wright's rights were denied despite the fact that 59 years had passed since the abolition of slavery. I then assigned the writing assignment that needs to be completed and turned into classroom by the end of the day tomorrow.
Period 4: We spent the class discussing ways that Richard Wright's rights were denied despite the fact that 59 years had passed since slavery was ended.
Period 7: We read the rest of "The Ethics of Living Jim Crow"noting times when Richard Wright's rights were denied. Your homework is to complete this assignment and turn it in to classroom by the end of the day tomorrow.
All Classes:
I am going to reassess reading logs for next week. I am going to ask that they be turned in with 150 minutes recorded in your independent reading books by Friday the 30th. In addition, I will ask you to record the time you spend researching the 14th amendment on your logs.