Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday 10/26

  1. Are all 4 slides completed?
  2. For each word:
    1. Is your definition 1-3 words only and from your brain?
    2. Is your second box an anecdote (story or a scenario)? NOT a definition.
      1. BAD example: If your word was slavery--- I think slavery is when people are forced to work and are controlled by the people forcing them to work. That is wrong.
      2. Good Example: An anecdote--An African boy was taken from his tribe and forced to fight with a militia group and to fight in a war. That boy was put into harm’s way and has no way to get out of it because he would be shot.
    3. Is your picture (not symbol) contemporary (from your lifetime 2000-2015)?
    4. Does your link take us to the website that houses your picture?
3.  As  you look at your slide is it the big idea?  For instance when thinking about the word deprived are you looking at being deprived of candy (little idea) or is it when we are talking about a child being deprived of education or of basic needs (big idea).

PLEASE REVISE IF NEEDED--Will be graded.  
Turn IN” to Google Classroom by class tomorrow.

Next we will go through the 14th amendment with the objective of getting students to understand the 14th amendment in their own words.
We will go through the 14th amendment calling for words to replace emboldened words so students are familiar with the amendment and we have clarified meanings.

Write rough draft of what does amendment mean to me on paper (NOT on SLide 7)

HW:     1. Revise slideshow and Turn In on Google classroom

2. Finish Rough draft and bring to class tomorrow. On Looseleaf ONLY.

All Classes: 
I have reassessed reading logs for next week.  I am going to ask that they be turned in with 150 minutes recorded in your independent reading books  on Monday 11/2. In addition, I will ask you to record the time you spend researching the 14th amendment on your logs.