Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today in class I handed out the assignment of rate essay (see below).  I explained the assignment with great detail.  I explained the essay, a rough draft and the worksheet will be expected to be turned in on Monday of next week.  I also eliminated the reading logs for the week.
We then read ch 6 together in class.  Students will be given class periods tomorrow and Thursday to work toward finishing the book and writing the essay as I will be out of district grading ELA exams.

Reminder that permission slips for the movie should be returned tomorrow.

After reading the novel and reflecting on who thrives and who dies, it becomes clear that London feels certain qualities are necessary for survival.  What are three of these qualities and how does London make them clear to us?

Characters who live:          Qualities they possess

Characters who die:                   Qualities they do not have: