Monday, December 3, 2012


Welcome December!  Today we spent time looking at each other's typewritten draft # 3. We rotated around the room and looked specifically at the elements on this worksheet. I also collected reading logs and distributed new ones.
HW: Finalize essay and bring all drafts including this 4th and final one to class with you tomorrow.  You will turn in everything from the first worksheet to the peer editing suggestions for drafts 2 and 3 to all 4 drafts.  Points are assigned for all pieces.  4 drafts are required and all steps expected to be completed before a final draft will be accepted.

Order from top to bottom:

  1. Final Draft
  2. Rd # 3
  3. peer editing sheet (blue)
  4. Rd # 2
  5. Peer editing sheet for Rd #2
  6. RD #1 with all the pretty highlights
  7. Worksheet 

Responsibilities if you were absent:
  •      Turn in reading log 11/26-12/3 (150 minutes)
  •      get new log 12/3-12/10  (150 minutes)
  •      Print out worksheet from this page or see me for one and have someone go through your essay and complete the editing so you can edit your paper.