Friday, September 20, 2019


I will collect your SS reaction assignment

10 minute reading

 (5) Read through Longwrite directions

(2) read sample longwrite

(5-7)Use the directions and label each part.

(2)look over Longwrite transitions

Split into pairs and take out "Charles" and get 1 computer per group
(15)Work together to choose a post it from "Charles" to write long about
Create a google doc, share it with me and with Mrs. Gotham.
Put both names on top and working together, craft your practice longwrite.

(10)We will share out your work and learn from it.

(15)Your turn, on page 6 of your RN put today's date and LW#1 at the top of the page
Choose a post it (not further than 20 pages back from where you are right now) and write your first longwrite. 

HW: Finish the first paragraph of LW #1 if you didn't in class. NO ASSIGNED READING this weekend.