Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday 11/4

It's assessment day.  This is your opportunity to show us what you have learned through our extensive study of the 14th amendment.  In class we will take under 10 minutes to explain what we are doing, then you will need to look at documents and the work of your peers in the hallway in order to take notes for the writing assignment that will begin at the beginning of the 2nd block.

Once you have sufficiently researched for the essay you will need to do the following in order:

  1. Sign into your drive and chrome
  2. Click the link here for the essay which will be in view only format
  3. Make a copy (file menu)
  4. Name this copy like this: firstnameessay14  example-- carlistoessay14
  5. Complete the assignment
  6. Read it over to check for typos and grammatical errors
  7. Submit the document by "turning it in" in Google classroom.
If time permits, log into powerschool and check grades as the end of the quarter is this Friday and MANY of you are missing assignments.