Today we will get many papers back. We will file all reading logs and be sure we have completed titles on the completed books list and on the padlet on my blog.
All students will also look at their Powerschool grade and write in the ALL ABOUT ME section of their reader's notebooks. The writing will answer the following questions in complete restated sentences:
1. As you look at your grades, which seem to be the best?
2. Why do you think this is? What strategies have you developed that worked--be specific about at least one assignment and one strategy.
3. As you look at your grades, where do you seem to be falling down?
4. Why do you think this is? What is one new strategy you will try so as to improve on those grades?
5. What is one goal you have for the next quarter in English?
Please then read independently to reach your goal of 150 minutes by next Monday OR work on submitting one of the Clarklisto missing grades if you have any. Today is the final day to turn any of that work in