Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday 3/9/15

Today I will collect logs, you will start new log for week of 3/9-3/16.  We will then review our annotations, and complete a character trait chart with a partner. Next we will share our ideas with one another via a Googledoc so everyone can see/ have access to these ideas.  We will be writing a poem later so it is important you have a real sense of who each character is and why.

Per 2
Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones

Per 8
Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones

Per 9
Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones

HW: Read/Log/Post it

If you were absent be sure to:
Hand in your Log from 3/2-3/29
Get a new log and start it
Get the notes on each of the 2 characters (see links above)