Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thursday 4/3

LAST DAY OF ELA EXAM! Awesome job trying hard for 270 minutes.  I appreciate all your effort.
Let's talk books today and share our recommendations with others who might want to grow their lists.  Fill out the survey at the link here and it will generate a list we can share with each other and the school.  This will be the first grade of Q4 so be sure to captialize and be thorough.
Hand in your completed books list now.

Now log into powerschool and check your current grade.  If you have questions about grades or want to make work up, you will need to do so by the end of the day Friday. If you need to make up work you must print out your powerschool grade and highlight the work you are turning in, then stapl;e the work to the pawerschool grade.  This must be done by Friday.

Now would be a great time to look for a book that is about your topic from the beginning of the year. Check our library first and keep that link open while you then check out other resources like Amazon, Goodreads or Scholastic.  Write possible titles down in your "To Read" section of RN.

These books have to be completed by May 4. YOu msut be able to make 5 connections to your topic.