Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today we read for ten minutes then set the stage for watching Cinderella Man by discussing the Great Depression and reading an excerpt of the book CInderella Man.    Students were asked to finish reading that article and annotate it as well as get their permission slip signed (see below).

Dear Parent,
The students have been studying the Great Depression in social studies class and we have been studying the craft of writing and have just recently started talking about decisions screenwriters have to make to preserve the integrity of books like Call of the Wild for example.  In class this week we will be viewing Cinderella Man directed by Ron Howard. This movie has been rated PG-13 for violence (it is about a boxer) and minor language.  As such, I need your permission to allow your child to view the film in class starting Wednesday 5/2.

We will use the movie as a basis to discuss how the historical elements that have been studied in social studies are incorporated and to discuss how audiences are manipulated by the many and various mediums they encounter daily. 

If you agree to grant permission for your child to view this video, please sign below and return.                                             

Your child is not required to view this video.  An alternate assignment related to the unit being taught will be provided if you do not grant permission for your child to view this video.

Thank you,
Angie Carlisto

I, _______________________________ grant permission for my child,
________________________________to view the PG/PG 13 video listed above.
                        Name of Student

Signature of Parent                                                             Date