Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday 11/5

10 minutes of reading
RWT strategy discussed
Upside Down
See the read-wonder-think strategy for understanding poetry used below. 

1. Read: Perhaps circle words or ideas but nothing else yet.
2. Wonder: Why does “swingin free catch my attention?Busses, buildings dangle
3. Think:The use of the words “swingin’ free” is significant. I think when we let go of the way we see things, the way we are supposed to see things we gain a certain freedom from constraints of society and while this feels deep for a kid’s poem, I think Silverstein often sends messages about creativity and its importance. So swingin free to me symbolizes creativity -no rules maybe and that it’s important.
 I do feel we are accustomed to seeing the world as we are taught to see the world and I think this causes a lack of empathy. I get this from the “nice to see” phrase. I think we should “walk in someone else’s shoes” occasionally. It can be “nice to see” how others see because it gives us a better understanding of the world. 
The use of the word dangle and the unusual circumstance of busses floating make me think that seeing things from a different angle might be fun and different but it is still a little scary. I think it’s the word dangle that makes me think of possible danger. This makes me think that it is sometimes “scary” to look differently at the world because seeing it as we always do is comfortable. Change is hard and often when we see things differently, we shift everything. In fact like in this poem , our world gets a little “turned upside down”.

USing a poem from your packet-apply the RWT strategy. DO this in your RN.

HW: read 20 minutes, Look for figurative language.