Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wednesday 1/9/2019

10 minute read
Noodletool submit work
Notes characterization (updated)
Read "The Dinner Party"

HW: 20 minutes of reading and be sure your work is complete especially the survey from Friday and the 5 entries on Noodletools.

Note: If you were out today know the following:
 I will show you how submit your Noodletools upon your return
 the notes on characterization can be glued into your Reader's notebook
 and you should read The Dinner Party with an eye for characterization (note this with annotations) 

Good luck in your competitions. If you're struggling with any part of the missed work, drop me an email and do not stress too much we will get you caught up when you get back. Enjoy the unique opportunity you are fortunate enough to be a part of.