Today we will do what we were going to do yesterday: we will analyze longwrites written by peers, sort them and analyze them in search of clarification for expectations for this assignment.
1. Sit with assigned partner
2. Read through packet of LWs
3. Sort them in order of best to worst
4. Now go back through and identify what is done well and what needs work--make list right on the paper itself
5. Share out with large group the findings
6. Brainstorm possible issues while writing
7. Correct one together
8. Reread your own longwrite, identify its issues--list them on the page--circle the one you think you need to address most in subsequent longwrites.
8. Write longwrite #2 -it is due Monday along with 20 more minutes of reading and post it taking. This is a NEW longwrite, not a rewrite. Be sure to make a clear attempt at addressing some of your tendencies that you identified in your previous longwrite. For example, if I noted that I tended to leave transitions out, I will focus in this longwrite on including useful transitions. You will need to identify this focus and tell how you addressed it so pay attention as you write.