Thursday, September 8, 2016

Friday 9/9

Today we will reflect on yesterday's activities.  We will do that through Kidblog where you will reply to a post I made so as to keep the reflections threaded. Please follow the steps below to get the work done efficiently.

  1. Sign into your drive
  2. Click on the appropriate link above to get to kidblog
  3. Join my class by adding the join code from below that pertains to you
  4. Read my post
  5. Create a new google doc 
  6. Answer the questions (from the linked document on my post (it's in red))on the Google doc you just created
  7. Copy your responses and paste them as a comment to my post

MORNING--join code fqy73jt
AFTERNOON join code 3fab6i6

HW: 1. Finish post comments and paste in kidblog 
2.You Must have a list (in reader's notebook)of at least 5 books (with author) with you next WEDNESDAY.