I hope everyone enjoyed the gorgeous day off yesterday. We used class today to finish up presentations then to reflect on the whole process of this project. Please log into the kidblog (at the top of this page) and open my post that says Reflections on Civil War Project. Copy the questions I posed. Then return to the homepage, scroll down and find your blog on the right hand side ( as Cooper says just click the tab that says "My Blog"and start a new post and paste those questions so you have a guide but essentially spend time completing a thorough reflection of what you learned about yourself in your post. This is due by 2:45 on Thursday. Also, tomorrow I will be at a conference so you need to bring your IR books, I will be giving you 30 minutes to read tomorrow and 10 minutes to write, if you don't have your book, you will have to read my selection. Also on Friday we will be setting some goals so I need you to print out your powerschool grade--be sure to print from the screen that shows all of your individual English grades.
Due Tomorrow--BRING IR BOOKS
Due End of day on Thursday--reflection post
Due Friday at classtime--Printed Power School grade