Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday 10/23

Today we did a quick mini lesson on plagiarism. Students were then asked to fix their paragraphs to make sure they were in their own words.  We had intended to do a peer editing session but did not get to that periods 2 and 3.  The second part of the block started off with a quick overview of expectiations for slide number 2 then students were set off on the task of completing slides 1-4 for Monday. All links should work. All typos should be corrected. All components of hte slide should be present and suggested format followed. Please see the slideshow with directions link to the right.  Scroll down to slide #11 for the model slideshow and rules (just afer all the red slides that were meant to guide your template).

We will grade slides 1-4 on Monday. This will be major grade in both ss and in Eng.