I was out yesterday so you guys had a double Social Studies period to write your Carnegie report. Remember logs are due Friday.
Today in class we spent 10 minutes reading. We then talked about different ways of keeping our notes organized. I collected half sheets of paper from each person with his/her Wonder question on it. I will compile a list of wonders and use it as a means to help you envelop clearer questions. We then set to work trying the first note-taking strategy using the handout I provided and the article we had printed out for today. If you were absent you will need to: Provide me your wonder question, write about how you stay organized through the research process in the tips section of your Reader's Notebook, show me your article #1 and begin reading that article. In addition tonight's HW is to write long write #5. Base this on a reaction or a prediction post it you kept today and spend your long write trying to relay how the author go thou to predict or react as you did. In other wors, what are the hints s/he gave you to lead you to react as you did?