Thursday, December 19, 2013


We typed away today.  I collected the materials below today.  No homework for over break ENJOY every moment.

I collected:

research and cover sheets
RD and peer feedback
Final draft

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday 12/18

We worked through peer editing today. All students are required to have two peers read through and make suggestions on their rough drafts.Several students are very behind int he process, they will need still need to get feedback from peers.  Logs collected tomorrow.

All students will be given 40 minutes of class time tomorrow to type their next draft.  I will collect research with cover sheets (3), RD with 2 peer editing sheets attached and the typewritten draft at the end of the period tomorrow.

Tuesday 12/17

Today I took a grade on notes.  You were to show me the three resources you would be using and the cover sheet for each.  We then work on the rough draft.  RD due tomorrow and log on Friday.

Monday 12/15

Today we read for 10 minutes, we then worked through a mini lesson that pointed out the difference between paraphrase and plagiarism.

HW: 100 minutes due on log on Friday.
Rough raft due Thursday and final draft on Friday

Friday 12/13

Today we worked on ensuring all research was complete and worked on taking notes on each resource.

An outline of your paper is due on Monday

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday 12/12

Today we read for 10 minutes, investigated patterns of the written wonders, then researched.  I will collect logs tomorrow and the hope is by tomorrow you will be in a spot that you can begin writing your rough draft.

Wednesday 12/11

Woohoo we got a full 80 minute class period today an you guys were awesome! We read for 10. I gave a 6 minute mini-lesson on searching smarter then you got to research.  Many of you left with at least 2 articles you could use.  You should read through those tonight (yes you can count the time on your reading logs!) The plan is to be in a spot where you can write your rough draft for the whole period on Friday. I will collect logs Friday.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday 12/10

I was out yesterday so you guys had a double Social Studies period to write your Carnegie report.  Remember logs are due Friday.

Today in class we spent 10 minutes reading. We then talked about different ways of keeping our notes organized.  I collected half sheets of paper from each person with his/her Wonder question on it.  I will compile a list of wonders and use it as a means to help you envelop clearer questions.  We then set to work trying the first note-taking strategy using the handout I provided and the article we had printed out for today.  If you were absent you will need to:  Provide me your wonder question, write about how you stay organized through the research process in the tips section of your Reader's Notebook, show me your article #1 and begin reading that article.  In addition tonight's HW is to write long write #5. Base this on a reaction or a prediction post it you kept today and spend your long write trying to relay how the author go thou to predict or react as you did. In other wors, what are the hints s/he gave you to lead you to react as you did?

Friday, December 6, 2013


Wonder research began today. First we consulted a partner and wondered which of wonders they thought was most intriguing and compelling.  We then began searching for an article that would help us by using a site: search.  Reminders were given about refining searches and that we have the ability to change our questions once we begin the research. Logs were collected.
HW: find at least one article of substance for class on Tuesday. You will be working on your social studies paper on Monday. Also READ/LOG?POST-IT.


Today we worked through developing our wonder questions. 5 wonders are due in class tomorrow. They should be completed on the worksheet handed out in class.
Reminder Logs will be collected tomorrow too.


Today was half day. My afternoon classes signed into the tech challenge #1 group in Edmodo and answered Mr. Carlson's reflection questions and my 2 sets of reflection questions. IF you were absent, please complete this task.  Reminder logs will be collected on Friday.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Today we returned to Wonderopolis to determine what comprises a Wonder page.  Students mapped out the page, then made observations about each component in an effort to understand their assignment better.  They will be creating a Wonder page of their very own and it will need to contain the same components as the 1113 Wonders on Wonderopolis.  HW:Read/log/post it Logs due on Friday.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Welcome back. I hope your break was fantastic.  Today we are investigating the different facets of a wonder on Wonderopolis.  Students will choose a wonder in which they are interested. They will then complete a trifold worksheet that asks for some critical thinking and close reading of the non-fiction piece they have selected individually.  Tomorrow we will decide on our very own wonders that are related to the image project from the beginning of the year.  We will then dissect a wonder to determine what the expectations are for the assignment.

HW:Reading logs collected on Friday 150 minutes