Thursday, January 24, 2013

Friday 1/25

Friday 1/25/13

§  Final Draft Collected (keep copy for yourselves)—use checklist to be sure all requirements are met.
§  Pictures Located—all pix must be in jpeg format and taken from a reputable source—, Life Magazine (google image search with source:life typed at the end), other .gov websites work as well. AVOID BLOGS photos are often photoshopped
§  Pictures Saved- use your folder on the server or a flashdrive
§  Pictures Cited using Noodletools-be sure to cite as website or archive not as inhand photo
§  Imovie project started and saved-(note which computer you use as you will need to return to same computer to finish project)
o   File menu-start new project
o   Name projectà--lastname(s) and a shortened version of theme (carlistoclarkRR)
o   Drag pictures into project (may have to first have pic on desktop then drag into project) If photo is a .gif or other format it may not work save as .jpeg and it should then work
§  Choose beat—our beats are on student server-tchrclassroomfiles-Clarklisto-Flocab Tracks
§  Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice again
Be sure to double check pronunciation of new vocabulary words

Recording Begins Monday.

Logs due on Monday too (100 minutes)