open your Writer’s Notebook to your three potential themes in Nightjohn by Gary
Paulsen. Read through them again. Determine which one you think there is the
most evidence in the text to support and list all the ways this theme is
developed in the book. This can and
should be in list form.
Idea: Roger
learns a lesson in an unexpected way
theme----Some people even though they are not teachers in the traditional
sense, can teach us valuable lessons.
Mrs. Jones
who is being robbed teaches Roger a lesson and she does it by:
- Ø Kicking him in the seat of his pants
- Ø Grabbing him by the arm and dragging him down the street
- Ø Telling him to pick up her purse
- Ø Making him wash his face
- Ø Bringing him to her house
- Ø Giving him dinner
- Ø Asking him questions about himself
- Ø Being kind
- Ø Trusting him—she left him with her purse right there
- Ø Giving him money for shoes[l2]
and sort data—choose character