Sunday, March 30, 2014

Friday 3/28

It was so good to be back today.  We decided to take a week off logs but not reading so no log will be collected next Friday but kids assured me they would still read!  We discussed book 2 and reflected on our own process of taking the test then made some observations about what makes a 2 a 2 and it seems:
a minimum of 2 specific details from the text
a restatement of the question in some way 
were qualities found in every 2 point response

No official homewrok though reading is encouraged.


We took a sample book 2 on on these days.

I was at a November Learning Workshop and got some great ideas!  I will collect logs tomorrow.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tuesday 3/25

Today we worked on figuring out the strategies we have at our disposal for taking multiple choice questions and shared those strategies with one another.

read/log post it

Paragraph 1
identify the post it as one of the 5 signposts
explain why/how it is that signpost
Paragraph 2
answer the anchor question thoroughly
Paragraph 3
tell what was learned about character. conflict, plot and/or theme

Test for you JO

Click here for form

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday 3/24

We took another practice book one today. We will reflect on the process in class tomorrow. I collected logs and gave out new ones for the week of 3/24-3/28--only 100 minutes this week.

If you were absent-You will need to see me to turn in your log and to take the test.

Thursday 3/20

Jay Asher came in to school to speak today.  Morning classes took their social studies test in the shortened period. Afternoon classes read a nonfiction article on "Nice Girls"
HW: Read log/post it--logs collected on Monday.

Wednesday 3/19

Today we worked in groups to pick apart the test to begin thinking like a test maker and looking for the distractors.  HW: Read/log/post it

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


We talked about the NYS exam today and took a practice multiple choice sample so we had a common text to discuss. If you were absent, you will need to make this up as it will be graded. Logs will be collected on Monday.  Your final draft of the letter is due by the end of the day tomorrow.

Ned the link to your story in order to add more text details?  Here it is.

Monday 3/17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Today we worked with each other's papers and focused on transitions that were used.  the final draft of the paper will be due on Wednesday.  All changes should be made on Drive.  Logs will be collected next Monday.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Collaboration sheet transitions

Click the link to the collaboration page to share your observations.  Be sure to "tag" your observations by adding your names (in the color you have chosen) in the legend. Do not duplicate colors please.

Friday 3/14

Happy Pi Day.  Today we finished rough drafts of the letter to Uncle Hiroshi.  Monday we will peer edit these letters.  I also collected logs for week of 3/7-3/14 and new logs were handed out.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/13 Thursday

Today I met with 2nd period for 13 minutes so they read for that time and turned in LW #10.
HW: Read/log/post it logs collected tomorrow

8th and 9th periods applied a checklist to their longwrites and were given the opportunity to rewrite them for homework tonight. We then worked on the rough draft of the letter and everyone shared it to my google email.


HW: read/log/post it and rewrite LW if you choose  LOGS collected TOMORROW--150 minutes

Wednesday 3/13

Today we used a checklist to be sure our LW were right.  Students had opportunity to rewrite longwrites if they wanted.  We then worked on the rough draft of the essay.
HW:read log post it

I did not meet with 8th and 9th periods due to snow emergency.  We will do this work tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday 3/11

Today we read for 10 minutes.  I gave an example of what a first draft of an essay looks like and then students worked a bit more with their lists that they did for homework to make sure they had a plan as they approached the writing.  First drafts were started by most in their Google accounts.

HW: LW#9

  • title/author and all other items on the LW guideline sheet.
  • identify the post it as one of the 5 signposts
  • explain why/how it is that signpost
  • answer the anchor question thoroughly
  • tell what was learned about character. conflict, plot and/or theme

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday 3/10

Today we read for 10 minutes, then spent 20 minutes working with a partner to get smarter about the theme surrounding responsibility in the story "The Six Rows of Pompons".
I spent about 7 minutes discussing the assignment.  HW for tonight is to generate a list of possible ideas to use in the letter to Uncle Hiroshi (see #1 on assignment sheet)
and to read/log and post it.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Today we worked on peeling back more layers surrounding theme in the story we read yesterday. I also collected logs.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I had to be out today with a sick child.  Students read "The Six Rows of Pompons" together with a partner in class noting signposts along the way.  We will write off this story in class tomorrow. If you were absent, you will need to see me to get the handout.  Friday is tomorrow and I will be collecting your reading logs for the week of 2/28 to 3/7.


As today was just a half day I only saw periods 2 and 3. I checked longwrites these periods and conferenced with students about these.  Reading logs collected Friday. 150 minutes.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday 3/4

Today we are learning about the "Again and Again" signpost through an excerpt from Hatchet.

Your assignment is to read log and post it and complete Longwrite #8. In this longwrite you must name the signpost, explain the post it, answer the anchor question and tell what you learn abut conflict, character, plot and/or theme.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday 3/3

Today we read for 10 minutes, wrote a longwrite for 10 minutes then read an informational text about Chris Waddell.
 HW: Read/log post it noting signposts

Friday 2/28

Today we debriefed yesterdays' activity, read for 30 minutes then turned in logs and post its.
 HW: Read/log post it noting signposts

Thursday 2/27

Today we worked with children's books to find words of the wiser, then with Thank you Ma'm and then in IR books.
 HW: Read/log post it noting signposts

Wednesday 2/25

Today was words of the wiser sign post.   HW: Read/log post it noting signposts

Tuesday 2/25

Today we worked in centers to reinforce tough questions. HW: Read/log post it noting signposts

Monday 2/24

Today we learned the signpost Tough Questions. HW Read log post it noticing tough questions