Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Today we presente 20 beat choices and gave picture finding suggestions.  HW: rea 100 minutes by Friday and find and cite on Noodletools 5 pictures.


Today we worked on finalizing final drafts by being sure 8 vocab words were emboldened, History was underlined and Poetic devices were highlighted.
All final drafts must be shared to me by tomorrow


I collected logs.  Final drafts of songs are due Monday.


We worked on storyboards today.
HW: Finish rough draft
Read/log/post it--100 minutes due Friday


This was an information gathering ay for FLocab and a day to begin organizing thoughts on writing your song.

HW: Read log post it--100 minutes due Friday

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


We kicked off Flocab today.  We also handed out permission slips for winter carnival.  100 minutes are due on the reading log this week.

Students are encouraged to do some research on their own in order to be better prepared for writing their songs. Don't forget the site:.edu search tool we learned in class.

We will be working on Flocab until the end of January. Be sure to ask your student about his/her project.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Friday 1/17

I collected logs and LW#8 today then we played with the lyrics to your songs to find literary tools.
HW: read/log/post it

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today we read for 10 minutes and talked books for a bit. We then shifted to poetry discussion. We will work with songs tomorrow.
HW: Longwrite # 8--Be sure to use paragraphs an to use transitions.  A good longwrite clearly explains the post it that has been kept!

I will also collect logs tomorrow--150 minutes!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday 1/15

Today we read for 10 minutes we then worked more with poetry terms by looking oat 4 poems.  I checked long writes. HW: read/log/post it

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday 1/14

Today we read for 10 minutes then got the answers to the poetic terms worksheet yesterday.  We will work through our own songs tomorrow to find examples of each literary tool.  Hw for tonight is long write #7. It should be based on a post-it. Take care to include specific details and to separate into paragraphs.


Today in class we read for 10 minutes then did an activity which tested our knowledge of poetic terms. HW: find lyrics to a song you like and print them out (they must be clean!)

Friday 1/10

We completed a formal longwrite in class today after reading for approximately 25 minutes.  I also collected logs and final drafts in class.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday 1/9

We worked on revisions all period today. Final drafts are due tomorrow.  ALSO I will collect logs 100 minutes due tomorrow.
Final drafts can be emailed to me at acarlisto@lpcsd.org, or angiecarlisto@gmail.com

Wednesday 1/8

Today we sat through a mini lesson on Noodletools. Students were instructed to make changes then share their Noodletools to my Wonderopolis dropbox.  Then students worked on revisions based on the comments provided in their "Final drafts" turned in before break.  Final drafts will be due Friday.  HW: read/log/post-it

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today we read for 10 minutes then read several more Wonder examples to reinforce the idea that they are meant to be fun, engaging and informative.  We talked about parenthetical references and the need to use them I then returned wonders with lots of suggestions.  Tomorrow we will work toward revising the wonders so be sure to have your thumb drives, google docs or an email available to access your papers.
HW: read/log/post it and bring in thumb drive with paper on it.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Welcome back from a long break.  We eased back in by organizing returned papers, reflecting on logs and writing that reflection in the me section of our reader's notebooks.  We set goals for the next five weeks based on what we learned about ourselves through our logs.  We then eased back into our books and wrote a LW about one character.  The long write is to begin as a traditional long write but instead of writing about a post it we are to describe a character using 3 adjectives.  Then we are to write a paragraph for each of the adjectives that provides details that prove that character trait to be true.
HW: complete long write #6 and read